

A Visit to a Zoo
In June, in the summer holidays we went to Delhi and lived there with our maternal aunt. We visited many places and at the last we decided to visit to a zoo, and then we reached there with our uncle. My uncle bought entry tickets for us. Firstly, we ate our lunch in the park, and then we entered to the zoo. We saw many animals there. We saw some crocodile that were swimming in the pond and others were laying on sand. There were some monkeys 🐒 that were jumping from one branch to another branch of the tree. 🌳. We saw some deer on the ground. Some were resting under the tree and some were eating grass. We also saw a pair of chimpanzees. They were walking like us. They copied the actions of a man. After that we saw some birds 🐦 like colourful parrots, owl, skylarks, emu, eagles and many other birds. We also saw some beautiful peacocks that were dancing merrily in the garden. They were having long and graceful necks, and they spread their wings like a fan. Then we saw lions in a big cage. They were roaring loudly. Children were afraid of them. After this, we saw many other animals like gorillas, tigers, giraffes, leopards, elephants, fox, wolf etc. And then finally we came to an end. We were in the zoo for six hours. The time passed happily. We saw different kinds of animals, birds and gathered much information about them. I enjoyed this day very much, this was one of the most memorable day of my life.

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