

The Mystery Behind The Letter: Part 3

I stomped the stairs in anger, whilst still clutching the letter, as I ascended the stairs leading away from the attic. I went straight to the kitchen, where Mrs. Butternut, the cook, just brought out another batch of freshly baked biscuits from the oven.

"What'll be the matter now, Flora? You look like you've just come from the battlefield. All with your stomping and frowning," remarked Mrs. Butternut good-humouredly.

I just merely grunted in response and heaved in a kitchen chair at the table, crossing my arms. The wonderful smell of the buttery biscuits wafted strongly in my nose, and I felt my anger beginning to dissolve slowly.

"Well, If you won't be telling me what's the matter with you now, perhaps you'd like some biscuits?" she said as she put a plateful infront of me.

#mystery #letter

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