

Diary Of The Monks Ganja part two
The sun broke the sky The monk encountered war he spoke to war and sang him a tone that went like this here

oh when it comes to war its not time for the end of the world as we know it that was his favorite song by his favorite band i forget who sings it but where were we here i the monk sang to war and boom

all of a sudden years went by he time traveled to where he was in war with war the two argued for bout a bit or two and the monk realized he and war handled there arguement very well with peace free will love logic and reason and the war with war was done both survived the big arguement really well

see the point im looking for is hype
you can go all day with your point or hype trying to prove it to the world

if you prove your hype or point to yourself is it really worth then to strain and chance of war with death blood and lucky to survive proving your point to not only yourself but to the world then what is next a three headed war appeared in its place so repeats the cycle over an over again till its the end of the world and what is the end of the world its not what you think the end of the world is the monks life

coming back from the time travell he knew what he had to do to beat war be polite humble kind free will love peace logic and reason and move on from there thats all he lived by and what he was till 200 year till it was time not to be

the end
© Brandon Earl Byrum