

A new Sign of friendship

Robert cautiously followed the dark passage. Eventually, he lit his Smartphone's flashlight. The passage  Started going down as he further proceeded. It took about a minute to reach its end but it ended with a door. with a password lock. There was written, "Type here".

He discovered that no dust or dirt was there, looked like Someone had cleaned it recently. He touched the digital lock. A software-based, keypad arose. But he didn't know the password. That was a problem.....

Robert re-searched around him with a flashlight searching for a clue. The walls were dirty with doodles, someone had written a million words on the walls. Also, he found that the person was annoyed and bored to find the password here, hence having played tic-the-toe there in the off time. Robert laughed for a while.

Robert Suddenly remembered that "those who don't know mathematics, have no entry to My House"

He cautiously typed there, 'MATHEMATICS' and pressed the enter key. With his amusement, the door opened,  after making a voice sound "Password is correct".

Robert understood why Gill had said in his speech," in future you must need this information to proceed"

He got inside and saw the environment which he hadn't expected.

It was a great laboratory. Upon stepping inside, the lights went on, and everything changed. The Screens turned on and started some beautiful laser lights wandering all over the room to make the room more Scientific.

He felt that suddenly he might have seen Dubai City at night when small light squares, glowed on slowly, one by one in the dark city, Compared with this room, there was no difference between the two situations.

At last the rays scanned Robert, he felt uncomfortable a bit though. When everything was brightened, Robert came to see many apparatus instruments, ever painting Feels etc.

When he was about to proceed inside the lab. He felt an unknown hand land on his right shoulder.

- What! you ?!

[ Rebert was astonished as  Jorge was behind him]

-Yes, me, What have you done?
- I mean...
- It's my grandpa's and lab and you ...
-how you have entered here?
- that's none of your business.
- Please! your grandpa has told me to come here.
-How can you blame a dead person?

[Robert brought the letter towards Jorge's sight]

After reading it for a while...

Terge: Hmmm.. it is the same letter I got from your big brother.

Robert: Big brother? As far as I know,  I am the only son of the family.

Jorge: Please come to my room. There is something to show you.

Robert: Okay, I'm coming.

Robert entered Jorge's Study room. which was his bedroom a few years before a new bed was introduced in the house and unfortunately due to the lack of space,  it was shifted to the large study room. Of course, it fitted the room bringing glamour with its presence. From then, Jorge Selected the room to bed for his both study and bedroom respectively.

Jorge went on to the shelf and Searched for a book in its third Section. He picked up the book, named "Psychological Dilemma".

Here, after turning a few pages, he took out an envelope like a paper piece. He then unfolded it carefully such that it would not get torn. Jorge brought it to Robert. It's another letter.

Dear Jorge                                     10.08. 1964

You may not know me, not even Robert. I am the very known person to Robert's blood, I am his big brother, Sam. Grandpa Gill's new fortune vision machine is great as I can now see my death and it would be so devastating that I can't write that here. Mommy would be very panick-striken that she would want to forget me so both of you Jorge and Robert would not know about me, even aunty Emma Knew this. I am an assistant researcher of Gill, I am writing this letter Secretly as I still do not believe that Robert would get the letter of Gill. Henceforth, I am writing this letter to you with a request that please inform Robert about the diary, and him to burn down it to see the magic.

Reveal the riddle written in your grandpa's picture to get inside "the lab and the password is related to "Mathematics". During your mission, I would request you to please take care of both of you and Robert.

Yours affectionately,

[text ends]

Robert: So you are the person who has made the walls dirty with maths doodle to find the password but the password is itself "MATHEMATICS".

Jorge: yes, I came to know the password at my 9309 attempts.
Robert: What! 9809 attempts! But for me, it was only one attempt.

Jorge: ONE ATTEMPT! You are really great.
© Sahitya Mukherjee......✒️