

The philosophy Of Life

Philosophy is a way of life, so said the author.
No soul belongs to you, and love is a free expression of human tendencies. I was awakened by my thought, the emotion that had kept too many in depression, the vexation of the spirit.
When a soul longed after thee, it's either for intimacy or self improvement.
The humans body is a shadow of itself. The word spoken by day are reflected at nightfall. such podium are human privileges and neither a tools for controlling thought or feelings.

I had believed in earthism, not as a writer of few words, but as a soul that understood the essentiality of life.

Human love cannot withstand the test of time.
Thus, fade away within timeless existence, the love of oneself, and the aftermath is the guardian to a successful life span.

You ever wonder while those in deep thought, prefer the spirit of self meditation and self isolation from the physical realm.
And while great men neither sleep at nightfall.
Though I speak in idioms, the folly of fools who longed after human fantasy and neglect the principles of modern day civilization.

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