

Through Hard Times
I run down the street with a paper
in my hands and it has that I paired
the damn bill. But the dealer was a
cold and got at my shot anyway. So
the ride got taken. Then I went to my
friends house I need to barrow your
car the friend says no I punch them knock him out and take the keys.
Then joy riding on the interstate
and took my friends car to rob a
bank and now motel living. But I did
return the friends car. Then walked back to the motel. Now here is where
my journey vegans. I pay up a week then I find a job at a car dealer ship.
Then I meet danger. The cars which
I was fixing and changing stole so
what am I to do now? No house no car living in a motel going to need
ends to handle things. Everything
under the table is not always gravy
on beef you know. But what is up next
well. A car race if I race this car I can
get 8million and sure enough after
all I have been through I am on it.
on my illegal parts of a junk yard
fixed up car in my spair time is going
to win me that green no matter what?
Come to far to give up now.
© hmmmm