

Love chronicles....
So the day was Wednesday and we have Bible study on that night.  I decided long before then what my attire would be.  I wore my cute top that was ruffled around the collar and the colors that set my skin a glow red, black and white.  I put on my makeup to make my face look brighter and have a shine about myself.  Red eyeshadow covered my eyes and crimson red for my lips to make them stand out.  As I got myself ready I was in high spirits because I had things lined up just as I wanted them and it was looking good.  Once I got to church I had no idea that the man I have grown to love was already there because he has switched cars on me.  I got in there and begun my  standard lighting routine. I turned on my computer and got my program up and running then went to clowning with others as usual. After that my sweetheart  Jada came up to me and we went in to make sure that we got the lights just right.  Oh I almost forgot.... I had to pass by where he was practicing with the praise team but I was on a mission.  I noticed on my way up there he was singing but when I went to the door his vocals were no longer heard.  Could it have been that my walk and sway got his attention.  I do believe I did.  After service was over I had to do my normal shutdown process.  I used my pointer finger and told him to come here.  After getting his attention from who was talking to him I told him I had something for him.  He didn't let me go too far out of his sight after that.  Now I am flawlessly ripping and running in three inch heels.  Yes I am fabulous like that.    When I gathered my things I proceeded to leave out of the sanctuary he was right in front of me holding the door like a man protecting his conquest.  I thanked him and thought he was right behind me as I made it to the door to see him looking for me.  It was the cutest thing ever! He was looking like where did she go.  How did I lose her.  I turned around to see he was not with me and peered around the small group that was there and that is when he saw me. The flood of worry left his face. I thought he was going to walk the entire church looking for me from the look on his face.  It was at that moment I fell in love all over again.   You see for some we may be going slow but to God it is going all according to His divine purpose. So we can love each other so deeply that we don't want to miss a glance or a feeling. So we can cherish every second with each other.  I just constantly pray that he knows how much I love him, because I am starting to feel his love for me.  That  one moment of him looking for me was all it took.    Love chronicles will be continued.......

© Sista Alia