The cave
It was to be a get away from the hustle and bustle of a very hectic life. A 1 week trip to the Appalachian mountains in West Virginia. Brett and Micah had been looking forward to this trip for months now. Placing the last few items in the car, they set out for their destination. It was a 4 hour trip, so Brett laid his seat back for a nap. Micah prepared herself for the drive. Arriving at their destination 4 and a half hours later (Micah drives like a grandma) they pull up to a remote dead end dirt road. A five mile hike lie ahead of them. After getting everything secured they set off into the forest. It was thick with thorns and brush. No trail in sight, they just blindly made their way through the thicket. Heading to what they thought was a giant undiscovered cave Brett had found on Google maps. After hours of walking they come across a large area covered in bones. Then 8 feet up in a tree was a deer skull with giant antlers. They look at...