

Things I Will Never Know
One of my closest friends told me that I am a Psycho waiting to happen--with all the gruesome shows and documentaries I seem to be getting addicted to or as she may have said, always been drawn to--one day, I'll snap and will never look back. Two things she said, that I could end up to:

1. A serial killer
2. The ones you see on the streets, with disheveled clothing talking and laughing with themselves.

Of course she was kidding, or was she?

I could be both but kidding aside, I think she may have overestimated me. For a woman barely reaching five feet that would faint at the sight of blood in person, I could safely say that
I wouldn't hurt a fly.

But if there's one thing I've learned from watching and reading about these kinds of things, it's the fact you cannot put labels on who can and who can't.

Some may appear harmless on the outside but truly deadly on the inside.

Not saying I am but if pushed too far, who knows.

Of course, I am kidding, as always.


Anyway, in my defense, I do not adore these modern days stars--if you think the world is crazy then yes it is--some people look up to these serial killers and see them as God or something, yes some idolize them and it may have been because sometimes the media made them look like it--a star.

Oh, how some people could do anything for fame and money.

Truth is, I barely remember their names, no matter how notorious they seem to be--and if I did, maybe because I've seen a lot of stories about them, and if you've seen so much it's a natural thing to remember.

I think it's the victims that got me hooked, of how they get to you to the point of wishing it wasn't true, that they weren't real people, it's just a show, a story, but it isn't. It is in fact, a true story.

It made you want to hold your loved ones a little tighter and made you feel you were lucky it wasn't you or someone that you know because sometimes it's so random, it could happen to anyone, hell, it could even happen to you, sometimes they were just at the wrong place and at the wrong time, and suddenly they were just...gone.

It makes you want to treasure life more because it's priceless, we only have one life to live, time is short and makes you think you should spend it with the people you love, to say things before it's too late, to be with them and let them know that you care.

Because sometimes before you know it, it's too late.

Now I feel like at this point someone may tell me, I'm glad I'm not your friend.

It makes me wonder, were you glad I was your friend?

Did I, as best as I could, show you that I care?

Or did you regret it, ever knowing me?

Or does it even matter at this point?

That’s the thing I probably will never know.

© euphemia
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