

MAN OF MY DREAMS (A Short Story — Fiction)
"Dear Phil, I'm super exited today. Sorry I haven't been with you in a while, but something very interesting happened to me today. Yes! I think I'm in love, well, again yeah, but this one feels so different. I mean this guy is so sweet, like the prince charming from Cinderella, or my Mr. Perfect as Candy always say. I'm a little scared Phil but I gotta give love a chance right? We are going on our first date tomorrow. Wish me luck."
"Tina, we are going to be late!" Candy yelled.
Tina closed are diary and ran after her best friend who was also her roommate.
"What were you even writing?" Candy asked as they jogged down the street, towards the sport house. They both played badminton
"Nothing really"
"You've been really excited lately. You wanna tell me what's going on?"
"I'll tell you after the games. This gist is big"
"OK then. Come on, speed up, you're dragging your legs like a hippo" Candy tugged Tina's hair and made her run after her.
* * *
"Really? Tina when were you going to tell me this?" Candy was asking while taking off her trainers.
"I was going to tell you at the same time I told you, after the games. Just that it happened that you asked me first"
"Seriously girl, I'm happy for you, just that I thought you might need sometime to heal, I mean just so you don't make mistakes again. I hate to see you messed up"
"I know right? But Val is a good guy. I feel like I'm sure about this one"
"Well, so were you about Chris, Charles and Maxi my baby girl" Candy said laughing almost annoyingly.
Maxi was Tina's last boyfriend whom Candy thought behaved more like a girl than a guy.
They went on with the conversation until the were ready for bed.
"Anyways my dear friend, take things slow with this new guy OK?" Candy finally said, trying not to sound like a kill joy.
"Sure thing mum" Tina retorted, jumping into bed.
"And good luck with your date tomorrow" Candy added half asleep
Candy and Tina have been friends since first grade. They were so close, only a few persons knew they weren't sisters. Now in college, Candy was studying Mathematics while Tina who has always been good with the computer went ahead to study Computer Science. * * *
"Hello there, is Tina in?"
"Yeeees, and you are?"
"Val. You must be Candy I guess"
"Oh! yea. Come in please"
"Baby! Wow. So happy to see you. But you didn't tell me you were coming". Tina said jumping from her seat to give val a hug.
"Yea. I came to see a friend down the street, so I thought to come take you to the movies. Your friend can come with us"
"Awwwn how sweet of you, I've been so bored, staying home all day. Come on Candy let's get dressed"
"OK... But you didn't officially introduce me, miss" Candy whispered as they both walked to the closet "plus I think you need to apologize to Val for that demeaning description you gave of him. Damn! Dude is way cuter than I imagined"
"I know right" Tina was blushing "and sorry about the introduction. I forgot out of excitement. I'll do that provided you don't take the whole day changing".
Later, after the movies, Val will drive them home while they chatter about their experience and how much fun they had.
* * *
"Candy! Candy! Guess what, guess what!"
"What, you know I'm bad at guessing"
"Val is taking me on a vacation to Paris!"
"For real? Wow? I'm so happy for you babe, come here. I'm glad you finally got a man who treats you right" Candy said giving Tina a hug.

"Let go of me! Let go of me Tina. What hell of a dream are you having? Wake up girl" Candy was struggling to free herself from being squashed by Tina
"Uh? Oh! Wait what? Dream? I was dreaming? Tina was rubbing her eyes to make sure
"Yes you were and you almost squeezed life out of me"
"Oh dear, I'm sorry. But why did you even wake me up? You are such a kill joy. I was having the best days of my life"
"In a dream? Are you kidding me?" Candy was laughing hysterically "Pls tell me about it".

Later, while they prepare for school, Tina would tell Candy about her dream and her Prince charming. Candy would have her fair share of laughter while welcoming her back to reality.
© Obigwe Elizabeth