

Waiting it Out
From his perch stop the outhouse, Charlie Bear waited for the man.

It had been nearly twenty minutes ago since he had climbed up the back side of his perch. The man was already inside the tiny house. Charlie wasn't sure what the man was doing in there and that peaked his curiosity.

"Why in the world would anyone want to spend time in that small place?" Charlie asked himself.

Just before the man approached the building Charlie had stuck his nose into the round opening, and quickly withdrew it. It smelled like something had died in that hole. So Charlie quickly backed away from it.

Just as he was about to turn away from this awful place he caught a whiff of the man's scent.

His father had warned Charlie about the dangers associated with a man. "Son," his father had said. "Stay clear of those men creatures. They bring nothing but trouble."

Charlie would do that for sure, he didn't want any trouble from this man.

Was the bear still up there? The man did not know. He hadn't heard anything from the bear for a good while. Not a growl, a roar, or even sounds of any movement from this frightening creature that had scrambled to the top of the outhouse.

Royce McNeil sat as quiet as a church mouse inside this cramped building. He wished that the bear would make some movement that would give him an idea as to what was going on.

He didn't know how much longer that he could remain seated in this place. Both of his legs were cramping, and the horrid smell was beginning to take its toll on him.

This had to be the one time that Royce had not brought a weapon with him into the woods. He felt that he did not need it. Instead of a gun, he had brought a camera.

Charlie was getting more hungry as the minutes expanded into an hour, and then reached two hours. Something was going to have to give here. He didn't understand why the man had not come out yet. All he knew was this, he was insanely hungry and he needed to eat soon.

A horrible thought occurred to Charlie. "Perhaps the terrible smell had taken its toll on the man and he would never come out." He decided to call out to the man.

The roaring of the bears voice echoed through the woods. All other creatures both large and small stopped what they were doing to listen to the sound of its call. Even Charlie's mother recognized her sons voice.

The other creatures of the wood heard a warning cry from Charlie and believed that he had some prey cornered. Charlie's mother on the other hand heard the intense fear in the bears voice.

She bounded through the sense foliage toward the sound of her son.

Royce knew that if he was going to make his move it had to be now. He would be risking life and limb in doing so.

He remembered seeing a man in a similar situation in a movie once. The outcome for him was tragic, but then again, the man had been devoured by a dinosaur. It only took one bite to do the damage.

It would take more than a couple of bites for the bear to devour him. Knowing that didn't bring Royce any comfort. In the near distance he caught the sound of another bear growling which in turn helped him to believe that his end was near.

Charlie heard the intense growling of his mother from just beyond the clearing and understood that he needed to forget the fear in his heart and return home.

His large furry body made a full thud as he hit the ground. Charlie was not hurt from the fall. However, he knew that if he were late getting home the pain on his backside would be more than he desired to feel.

Royce had waited long enough. He made his mind up to kick open the door and run as fast as possible. Perhaps he could outrun the bear. He did not know, but he had to try.

The bright sun shone down on the meadow as Royce McNeil burst through the open outhouse door and took off in a full sprint. "I hope that I can outrun the bear." He thought to himself.

There was no chase to be had. There was no blood to be shed. There was nothing to fear at all. For there was no bear anywhere in sight.

Royce breathed a sigh of relief as he made his way back to the camp.

Charlie bear sat under an oak tree licking his lips as he finished off the last few bites of the wild turkey that his mother had brought him.

Sinclair the snake sat quietly as he observed the man walking through the clearing.

It would just be a few more moments before he would be in range and then...
© Kurt Frazier