

I dont want to be normal
Living a normal life, with a 9-5 job, A few kids, and a lazy husband or wife. is this really what I want? No. I want something more.. adventurous, something.. worth living old for, something.. well, not normal.
Some parents want you to continue your bloodline, be known for being a lawyer, or dentist, but after every single family doing that, its dull and average. The stereotypes that society made for people doesn't sit well with me either. I would like a world of all types of people, not judged by their sexuality, Religion, skin, or decisions. Make it normal for only children to decide if they want to continue their bloodline, or not. Make it normal for teens to decide their own jobs without the criticism of their parents. Of course, nothing can be as I want, but what's so wrong with what I think? I'm sure that many people agree with me, but don't want to make a change.. but hopefully me, a teen, can change a mind of atleast one person. One person that can look into things with different perspectives, and sit and not criticize people for their opinions. Even if people disagree with me.. that's ok! That's okay to have a different opinion than someone else.
Not only do people need supportive others in their life, but they need to feel as its it's okay to not be normal. Some examples include boys wearing skirts and girls wearing a suit. A piece of cloth should not be overlooked as girl clothes or boy clothes, even if the sizes are made for generall girls, its it's okay for boys to wear them and so on.
My conclusion is, dont let others decide what's normal and what's not for you.
© Lexie