

Days - Chapter 5
GYM class was over after a few stretching exercises, I headed straight for the changing room and took a shower to get rid of the sweat and dirt, when I was just about to put my clothes on a few girls who were also still in the room gathered near me, I felt weirded out by this but continued with my after GYM routine. " Maya, do you know which class we're having next? " Girl A asked nicely, I answer her question as I apply lotion on my arms as I forgot to do so. " History class " Girl B then looks at girl A then to me. " Your lotion smells nice, what's the brand and scent name? " She asked looking at me as if she didn't know what she was doing, putting my bottom uniform on I answered her question, I reached in for my top and remembered that it was ripped, my GYM top was also sweaty so I could not use that one either after getting myself clean and fresh but there was still Ben's shirt as an option... but it was too big... but it was either his shirt or a sweaty and dirty GYM top. " Maya? " Girl A called out to me, I was so distracted with not knowing what to wear I blocked out. " Ah? it's Lanchf, Colorless scent " I said holding Ben's shirt still in the locker, they giggled at my hurried reply. " We also asked if you wanted to head to class together as soon as you're ready, but it looks like you were lost in thoughts " Girl B says as she packs her things away in her bag, still not decided on the shirt matter I started packing up my stuff as well. " Um, thanks for the invite but I have a private matter to attend to after getting ready " I said with an apologetic tone, hearing this the girls looked disappointed almost as if a little offended being rejected, they then pick their things up and said that it was okay and left. Not having much of a choice I ended up wearing Ben's shirt, being as big as it was I tucked it in to make it look decent enough on me, the sudden thought of girl A and B talking to me came to mind, not knowing to why they suddenly did so, since they have never been this friendly to me before, I then packed my things and got myself ready to go outside as I was thinking of a reason to why they were like that, coming out of the changing room Ben catches my attention, all nice and clean, his damp hair making a very destructive-attractive aura which I mostly see from movies or series. ( Wtf dude, this is a crime being this good looking and why the hell are you even socializing with me? A ducking potato?! ) Having conflicts in my mind as I approach him I did not notice that there were a few girls still in the area just to look at him, I mean I can't blame them and girl A and B were also there. " Can you not look like confused Jackie Chan all the time? " I snap out of it and look at him, I just now noticed that he was wearing the school's GYM sweater. " Ehe, must be hot wearing that " I smirked. Passing by Girl A and B I saw that they looked at me in a weird way... I didn't know what to make of things anymore. " Now that's some type of karma in motion " I joked, with him not giving any type of reaction killing my vibe making me state this fact. " Can you not be so dead in and out? You need to you know? Emotions? " I said as I push the door open leading out of the GYM building, he looked at me and tugged on the side of my shirt, but technically it was his. " Should I ask for my shirt back now? " I looked at him with a - bruh - expression. "Are you secretly a pervert behind those good looks? " I joked, he sighs and smiled as he watches me find myself funny, I look at my wrist watch and realized that there wasn't much time left till the next class, I still had many questions to ask, not wasting anymore time I ask him as we walk towards the school building. " Ben, why did you transfer here two weeks before when the school is just about to end? " He thinks for a second and pauses making me pause too, he slightly lifts his arm and points at me, I look at him confused. " Why are you pointing at me for? " I looked behind me and back to him. " What? " I said amused finding his pointing funny, I played along to his joke and made an exaggerated modeling pose and looked at him. " Is it because of me? " as I do this I think I just ruined myself, I looked around from embarrassment and saw that there were a few people that saw my retarded way. ( Wtf kind of cringe is this?! why did I do this? ) As I die inside, I hear him slightly laugh, he covers his mouth with the hand he was just pointing at me with, making me laugh too even tho I still feel like dying ( He looks cute like this, why does he always have a look as if he's always clinching his ass tight? ) as the thought of him actually doing so made me giggle. He composes his posture again and smiled. " I came to look for someone " He paused for a while. " You might not believe me and I don't blame you if you don't but... " Hearing this midway my brain instantly made me want to joke. " You were looking for me? " I asked seriously, but before I could even say - just kidding - He utters the word - Yes -, I laughed, but he didn't... That got me more confused. ( Hold up. Nani? He must be trolling me hard ) " Okay that's enough jokes for toda-... " Before I could finish my words I felt a sharp pain on my chest that made me gasp for air making me lose my footing and fall on my knees, I look at where the pain was coming from but there was nothing there, I started to panic in fear, I didn't know what to do or what was going on, no words came out, tears were filling my eyes, I struggled to turn my head around to see if anyone could help me but it seems as if time had stopped, literally, I looked to where Ben was standing but he too was just there, standing like a mannequin, the pain was so heavy and sharp, I was losing strength, my eyes were getting heavy, all I could think of was that I'm having a heart attack and I'm about to die. ( Is this what happens when you die? This is f**ked up! ) Then everything goes black.
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