

Today I woke up and looked at my phone. It was 7.00a.m. and I had forgotten to set my alarm. I have to reach office at sharp 8 o'clock. "oh my God!!". I jump out of the bed and run to the bathroom... 'After showering' . I was running late, so i didn't have time to make up so i just put the kit in the car And started driving. While i was waiting for the traffic light to turn green, i did my make up. While i was doing it, i didn't see the light had turned green. When i heard the honk sound, "beeep beeep beeeeep" i got panic and started to drive. By the time i reach the office, it was 8.46am."Thank God safely arrived" Before i got down, i did my touch up once more. Abruptly i heard an unknowns voice. When i ask who are you, it says dear you can't be more beautiful without me even if you wear high cost make ups.
Me : Aah??? First tell me who are you?
Unknown: "You don't know who am I?"
Me: "I don't know"
Unknown: "Oh really "
Me: "How you can make my face more beautiful without apply make up? "

"Perfect question but before I answer your question, look at mirror first."

Me : "ok"
"Not bad still beautiful"
Unknown: no!!!!
Me: what's wrong with you?
Unknown: Haahahah nothing.
Me: OK. I want to move now.
Unknown: OK
I prayed. After pray I was looked at mirror and smile.
Unknown: wow gorgeous.
Me: "AAhh what?"
You just told me that nothing make me more beautiful unless you?
Unknown: "that's true." Aishhh until now you couldn't guess me ah?"
"Look at mirror!"
Me: "I just smiled"
Unknown: "pardon?"
Me: "smile"
Unknown: "Ya it was me"
Me: Hahahhaha. You're really funny.. You just made my day. Yeah I look much beautiful now. Anyways thank you very much.

"So those who are reading this
don't forget to smile."

When you're smile you look gorgeous and handsome.

When you're smile you become positive!

When you smile your face becomes more bright.

When you're smile your circumstances will become joyful.

When you smile your enemies become your friends.

When you're smile at strangers you might change their life.

When you're smile everything seems possible to you.

When you're smiling the whole world smiles with you.

Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you.

Your smile will considerably reduce
your mind's tearing tension.

Smiling doesn't mean you're happy. Sometimes it just means you're strong.

Smile is a free therapy.

Smile is the best make up any girl can wear.

Smile is the best medicine.

Smile is the beginning of love.

Smile is the symbol of hope and strength.

Smile is the universal language of kindness.

A smile can heal a thousand wound.

A smile can soften stone walls.

A smile can hide so much pain.

Smile is a free gift from God and it's a prettiest thing you can wear. So don't waste it just because of your bad day. make others feel blessed. Because no one is perfect in this world. Argument is waste of time. Just forget the problem in front of you and put a smile on your face and make your life masterpiece.

#Smile #writco #writcostory
#Dana #Hephzibah

© Dana Hephzibah