

Abortion and pain
Abortion and pain this curse that follows young girls of now days. A life changing experience for most of the girls which haunts you for the rest of your life.

One day there lived a girl called Liz she was a 14 year old girl she went to Stoney high school and she was among the best students getting good grades but when she reached grade 10 she started to date a boy called Terry he was a bad boy but she was influced by her friends because all of her friends had boyfriends expect her. She met Terry but Terry petended to love her telling her all those loving things but one evening when she was going home Terry called Liz and bought her chocolate but later that evening he went and found her other girlfriend. But Liz was always under peer pressure and she didn't come from a rich family to the extent that they would rent a house and had no dad but when she reached school she acts all so high. A year later they were getting promoted to grade 11 and she passed. 3 days she celebrated her birthday and she turned 15 years old. After her birthday 10 days passed and she started vomiting and feeling sick. Liz told her mom that she wanted to go to the hospital for a pregnancy test and her mom said '' OK'' she went and hour later the tests came became negative she was soooooo happy but 2 weeks later Liz was fainting all the time so her mom found unconscious she rushed to the hospital and the doctor come back and told her'' YOUR DAUGHTER IS GOING TO BE A MOM'' Mom said '' what'' the doctor said that she is 1 month pregnant mom was so shocked and the doctor said that Liz will be taken home after 2 days. 1 day later Liz regained consisousnses and her mom told her'' DEAR I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL'' Liz said' '' Wat Mom'' mom said'' Ure Pregnant '' Liz cried and said mom I want to remove this child now mom said no. Liz was discharged from the hospital. She went home and started crying . She told her mom that her career at school and her dreams are ruined and she told her mom we can't afford anything for this child so it is better if I abort it. Mom refused her to do it. Liz cried day and night . She decided to get a small job when her mom doesn't know she became a baby sitter. She babysitted for a few months to cover the bills for abortion and when it was time she aborted the child without her mother knowing about it. Later she went back to school and told Terry about it . But Terry didn't mind much and dumped her. Liz went in the bathroom and cried. And when she went home she went to bed. But her mom received a call from a lady and thus lady was from the hospital where Liz aborted the child From. The doctor asked do u have a daughter called Liz aged 15 years old she said'' YES I DO WHY'' the doctor said '' DID YOU KNOW THAT SHE ABORTED A CHILD '' she said NO I didn't no Mom cried and called Liz down stairs she asked Liz what did you do in ranging anger Liz said '' WHAT MOM'' mom said''WHY DID YOU ABORT THE CHILD '' Liz said I didn't went to be humiled at school as the girl who had a child at a young age. Mom said '' YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOUR REPUTATION BUT YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE '' abortion is not something to play with and who was the dad of the child she said Terry but he dumped when I told him and he was cheating on me. Mom said '' What You have done will haunt you for the rest of your life mom said yes u don't want the child now but when you age you will regret that is why I stopped u from aborting it '' Liz said whatever I really don't care at all it is done she won't to her bedroom and slept. 18 years later she was in pain and tears rolled down her eyes every day because she missed her child. she always counted her child age and she would celebrate the child birthday every year with the little she had. She went back to her mom while crying and she told her mom everything I said I wish I listened to you mom her mom said that curse called Abortion follows alot of girls but do not worry I think u can give birth again. Liz tried so many times but when she was 39years old she received good news that she was pregnant with twins. She did all she could to keep them alive. 9 months later she gave birth to her twins looking increbile and she cried sooo much and thanked her mom for standing by her through the good and bad times . She raised her kids as a single mom and 1 year later her mom died and she still thanks her mom for everything. She continues to tell her stroy with the world.

Dear ladies this curse will haunt you for the rest of your life so be careful for what you wish for...

Thanks for reading 🙏💜❤️💜❤️💜💙❤️💙💜❤️💜💙

By :Icon k