

Teddy bear
Lily sat up in her bed waiting to be tucked in by her mama and papa. It was a dark and stormy night. She always had a bad fear of thunderstorms. Her father sat on the side of her bed and pulled the cover up towards her.
"Mama, papa, I'm scared!" Lily said with a shrill in her voice.
"It'll be ok sweetheart." The mother said. She handed Lily her teddy bear. "Good night." The light flicked off. She covered herself up all the way under her covers. A loud boom shook the house, with a bright light. She heard a raspy dead voice in front of her.
"Lily…" Lily didn't bother to look from under her covers. She felt something soft step on her legs. The figure lifted up the covers.
"Peek'a'BOO" Lily screamed as she flipped out ofvher bed falling under her covers. It was her teddy bear. It had a crooked smile. The half of his face sewed and the other half, not. Lily ran up to her door but it was locked. She juggled the door knob but it was no use. "MAMA, PAPA!" Lily cried out tears flooding from her eyes. But her mother and father never came. The teddy bear grew bigger, and bigger. Lily screamed on the top of her lungs. Only to soon realize she has somehow ended up in her kitchen. She looked around, everything seemed to be in place. She heard a shattered in the distance. She turned her head to see the pictures of her father and mother cracked on the floor.
"You see, Lily." The teddy bear came along and stood before Lily. "I'll make your life miserable!"
"MAMA, PAPA! PLEASE!" Lily ran as everything went dark. A glimpse of a tall building, it was the office building where her parents worked, She heard gunshots fired.
"EXIT THE BUILDING!" Lily stood there in shock, paliyezed. The teddy bear came up behind her and grabbed her by the neck. The bear yanked her to the side, Lily couldn't breathe anymore. She hears faint voices call out to her name. The faint voices became louder until she heard a shout. "LILY" Lily gasped awake in her bed. Here sitting besides her was her mother and father.
"It's ok, you just had a nightmare." Her father said. Lily looked outside her window. It was…daytime. Lily did not want her parents to go to work, she started to remember the moment where she heard gunshots at her parent's office. She didn't want her parent's to go to work. "Mama, papa, please don't go!" The father chuckled.
"We always go to work honey-"
"NOO" Lily screamed. Her parents look at her in shock. The mother glared at Lily.
"You do not speak this way to your parents, Lily. We'll be back. "