

Kenzie (Episode 2)
"Late again?
Maybe you could think of becoming more useful in this house .."
"You could start by waking early
This house wouldn't clean itself yunno"
My aunties usual morning rambles were nothing new to me anymore . I mumbled a good morning to aunty Kate and finished up the left over pancakes her cousin sisters had for breakfast . She would always make her eat them anyways .
"We don't waste food in this house
They're hard to come by .
Well you wouldn't know that if you weren't working and helping around, would you, Kenzie?"
I proceeded to do the dishes and hurried off to school.
The bus would have left long ago so i just hiked as usual
I made it to school when the first class was already halfway .
"Goodday Ms Wood .. quite on time again today" Mr Lockhart said sarcastically.

With heads pinned on the floor, I made for her seat amidst the giggles in the class.
Chloe ,best friend was right beside my desk
"Whatsup , woke up on the wrong side of the bed again?"
I just shrugged

I loved school.. don't get me wrong..not because I'm so good academically but at least it kept me away from home and I could have a little time of freedom to myself.

I didn't socialize much either so there wasn't any friends I could visit their place.. except for Chloe.
They always saw me as weird and avoided me as much as possible
With this nature of mine, I easily became a target for bullying.

Craig and his gang made the most of every little opportunity they had to do something to hurt me.
From Scattering my locker , kicking my books off my arms in the hallway to side talks.

I really didn't mind any of these .. until today when the unexpected happened

They never saw it coming.

Neither did I.

© Sandra