

My crush and My bad luck
A short story about how much easier it is to fix mistakes on a word processor or computer than it is in real life.

There's a girl who's timid and innocent,wishes to fly around everywhere, she has a crush over a guy in school and wishesh to tell him, so she wrote a letter to express it and put in on her textbook, while the class has begun, she tries to pass it and unexpectedly the note was caught by their class teacher and questioned both persons to explain themselves, as the girl is timid and unable to handle it, she said ' i wasn't one who started this, the boy alone told her he likes her and wishesh to be in love, she just accepted it, and letter was from him", the class teacher without enquiring any further, she took him to principal and explained the scene and finally due to indiscplinary act he's suspended. Whatever the girl did is very wrong, at last a good innocent soul is punished without knowing his mistake.
I thank god beacuse it's my only imagination, i have a cursor now to erase the mistake and recreate a beautiful situation over there, i wish the boy too had a cursor in his life atleast to add an explanation to him.
© Apj

#apjstory #love #crush #mistake #OneSideLove