

61 Days (Chapter 2)

Pov : Anarkali Devi

I laid in my bed, stoned. Usually I'll be freaking out with feelings, after trying new adventures, but after this interview I haven't had talk with my dad nor my mom.

They haven't called me out to ask how it went in detail, I just said it was alright.

I took a nap but it was already past 6. I went to the terrace for a walk, seeing my dad and mom already present.

"Have this tea, Anarkali" my mom smiled and handed over the tea which was in a mud pot, I sipped and felt my mini heaven to the fullest, I clutched over the chair and drank it all.

After I did, I had my mom and dad approaching me, I listent to their talks it's always about political scams, future plans, development of their child and improving the society.

As their elder daughter I was always concerned with their talks. I wanted to be a help of them. It took me years to repay them and I've to sum it all with a huge emotion.

"Are you feeling alright?" my dad asked, my mom took her hand and touch my forehead and neck.

"I'm good dad" I smiled

"Ya, there's no sign of fever" my mom said in a relief tone.

"Do you like this job?" my dad again.

"I haven't got my job yet, and it's my internship dad" I firmed
"If you're feeling so tired, you don't have to do that" my mom had an angry tone.

Now what I don't wished to happen, happening. I wanted to explore heights and hold weights, I can't miss this opportunity.

"I would really love to try new things mom, I wanted to explore and know a lot about life, if you and dad are scared about me, yes I can understand. but I can only be not scared when I practiced it for a lot of times, I have to in unfamiliar situations to be truly capable, and I will do it, I'll be strong, I'll be stronger and that's what I wish for" I said determined.

My parents looked at each other with a smile "If that's what you need you do it" my dad said
"Remember the rule, no overtime,no nightshift" my mom again

"I promise" as we laughed, it was a full moon day, we guys were in terrace for a long time, speaking about each other and having a meaningful time.


'I still have three days for a call.' I thought and had my jogging in the early morning.
'I hope they call me soon'

"Anarkali" my mom shouted.
"Your Sister is coming from Grandma house today, ride her home and also Grandma" I remember yesterday my sister was with grandmother, now they both are coming to our house.

"Sure Mom"

I took the scooter I shaped towards the road, I saw my grandmother and sister coming between trees.

"Hello, grandma" I smiled
"You've thinned" she nagged. Are old people too old for greetings?
"She's been into work lately" my sister beside her said with a monotone.

My grandma suddenly stopped a bike in the mid of road and asked for lift, that guy accepted to lend one.

"You girls come after me, I'll go with him" she said and jumped from ground to bike, she wasn't this old.

I was flabbergasted, what was this?

"There's nothing to surprise, she's like that, if you have to spend sometime with her and you'll know it"
Usually Geetha will be with grandma, due to her personal research or let's say she likes grandma, she lives alone and Geetha have her company without saying she like grandma through words.

My Sister, Herself Geetha, About her, there's a lot.

we are contrasting poles, I'm over expressive and she wasn't. I had a giggle mug face where she always showed a cold shoulder with leadership. She's the President of School. she's talented in studies whereas I'm good in Sports.
we never blend together like flour or mend together like threads, but been for eachother in every odds.

she resembles my mother in eye colour and character. I resembles my dad in everything.

"Get on" I said
"Well, what happened to your interview?"
"Will say, let's go to home now"
"You know, grandma never let us alone"
"We'll make a way" I smiled and she tilted her head in hopes.


"Now say Anarkali"

We shared the same room to sleep, Geetha asked me, in curiosity.

"I just made a fuss" I noted


"I was too real for the fake world, I just said whatever I meant, they said they will contact me within a week"

"It's been just a three days and you got four days ahead, and even if you don't get selected, why not try some other things? but still you're kinda good candidate, you passed three levels and a direct interview is cool" she smiled a little.


we smiled and packed ourselves to sleep.


"Is this Miss Anarkali Devi?" I had a call from unknown number that day, my grandmother usually in the hallway of our house, signed to not attend calls from unknown.

As my sister controlled my grandmother, I went to terrace and spoke freely.

"Yes, it's Anarkali Devi this side, who's that side? anything to discuss?" his voice sounds familiar.

"I'm Raghav Prasad, HR of Critics Overview company, you're invited for a confirmation convey, Are you interested to know our information brochure?"

I remembered him now, he's the one who said, he will be calling me for final hearing. I had my heart flutter and mind wander, that's a top notch!

"Sure, sir I would love too" I haven't showed my expression in voice.

"Good descision, You can visit us on November 1"

and then the call ended.

Geetha who waited patiently for my words, I ran and hugged her.

"Damn, Anarkali you're taking my life" I squeezed her like a lemon.

"I guess I'm selected! I ran over here and there and informed to my parents. They don't know what Emotions they have to emit but seeing me in rejoice, they had a happy look in faces.

I laid on my bed with excitement. For the start of November I'm going to work, work in my dream company. I don't know what's the package or my position. All I cared is I gonna work in my dream company.

That day my family seems to be pretty happy, I had my favourite Dosa with Groundnut Gravy and slept with all my fluttering peace.


I'd my best shirt and pants that day. I usually loved wearing sweat shirts with overcoat and cozy pants. but first impression is best impression and I had my best outfit.

"I'm Anarkali Devi, I've been called for the Confirmation Convey" I said to the reception lady, she looked at me in zoom, had her eyeball out.

"Is there's a problem in your eyes? that's seems to fall off?" Geetha asked.

I'd came to this interview with her.

"Hey don't speak like that" I hussed her.

"You'll know the reason, Afterall you're an important Candidate Miss Devi" she had an evil smile, I dragged my sister to not make her pick up a fight.

"This place seems Ominous, don't say me, this Diamond Cage is your Dream" Geetha irritated.

"Chill Dude" I laughed.

"Miss Anarkali Devi, please come in" I had a lady calling me inside the room.

"Take care bye" I said

"I'll be waiting, take your bye with you" Geetha again.

"Excuse me" I said

It was a Normal sized and Spacious room, compared to that conference room, I saw HR Raghav Prasad, standing before the large transparent window, damn it's was my dream to stand beside that window and take photos but he was thinking deeply and distracted, I deepen my voice again and he let me in with a smile.

"Miss Anarkali Devi, you want to work as a PA right?"

"Yes Sir"

"Good, Tomorrow you're working as a PA for Critics Overview company's Chancellor Mr.Dhruv Naidu"

I was stunned, why I've to been an important person to receive traning like this.

"Okay sir" I was awestrucked.

"Cool, There's this information, None lasted over a week of being his PA" he said in a deep tone to bring dark academia vibes. The sky was still shining though.

"Why Sir, he is that hard?"

"Very Much, his father CEO of this Company, wants to discipline his son, so I thought you can do it, whenever he comes, he's a headache. He'll be here for 61 Days like you, you're working here for 61 Days right?"

"Ya sir, for 2 months November and December" I blinked in dilemma.

"Cool, Your package for a month is 50,000/-"

"This much?"

"Yes, your efforts should be this much"

"But sir, I'm inexperienced"

"I know, what he needs is a friend not a guide" he smiled and let me come tomorrow.

I came out blank paged.

I repeated the Words again, He needs a Friend? Even I need one, in which how I can be one? I'm not even a Friend.

I stepped out in bewildering thoughts, and shared my experience with my sister and my dad and mom, I haven't the real words yet managed to come tomorrow.

© Isai