

Hey dear brave girl...
Hey Eman My dear friend...

I'm here to Wish You on this most precious day of Yours... You are My inspiration, Motivational trainer, Best friend and Moreover You Are The Most Favorite Writer For Me in this Writco... I'm proud to be a fan Your writings... Your Writings damn your writings can Make Magic to any broken heart... Such a wonderful women I ever seen in my life... You are The most deserved women to be Respectable... Of course being Your friend I even afraid to talk to you many times😅 You are such a bold girl... You inspire me with everything you do and everything you’ve taught me... You inspire me each day to be a better person than I was the day before... Your Unwavering Support and Guidance is something I am so thankful for. I look forward to what else you have to teach me and the great things you will do and the great things you will help me achieve...
You transform an ordinary day into extraordinary....
You have a great sense of humor. You can make a whole room laugh without making an actual effort. There is something radiant about you that makes people gravitate to you...
You are intelligent, driven and passionate in whatever you do. When you hit a roadblock, you just keep on persisting until you make it. And I’m lucky just to witness that.You taught me that not everything has to have an answer....
You are A Fearless Women...
Defined by no man... You are your own story...Blazing through the world..
"Turning History into HerStory"
When they dare to tell you about the things you cannot be, You just smiled and told them,
"I'm the both war and woman and you cannot stop Me"

I admired You,
Not for Your smile,
Though it was beautiful...
Not for your eyes,
Though they shone brightly...
I admired You,
For the battle scars and war wounds
That you can display Proudly
For the world to see...
I admired You for
Your Strength and Courage...

Happiest Birthday My dear best friend
and one of the few people I can trust with... Stay Blessed and Enjoy Your day The fullest !!!🥳🥳🤪

© Urs Krish