

Curious to know
After a hectic start of the day, I was chilling as usual in the afternoon in my room lying down lazily on bed.
I had no idea what's going outside. For some point of time, I disconnected myself with the outside world and completely engrossed into the screen.
All of sudden, out of my wonder, I started to feel extremely fresh vibe just like a beach vibe or something. I went out of the room to feel even more. Out of curiosity, I went to balcony. It was raining, and I felt happy for reason.
It was so soothing. The weather turned cold and it was relaxing.

Realized then I was happy for no reason and curious to know about. Curiosity enables us to explore and happiness keeps the soul alive.

Start exploring life and feel excited for every moment as it will never be returned and ofcourse it is precious and special.
#curioussoul #happiness