

Warriors #3 The Fees
After that, Princess always came near the pond to learn. But one day the man noticed something, that a boy behind the bushes is trying to learn, Whatever he teaches to Rin. The boy also learns the same thing that Rin is being taught and He learned the art of sword fighting with a wooden stick and learned many things from that man as well as Rin . The Man doesn't poke him to say who are you?. After one month, The man asked Rin "So, what would you give, as my fees?". Rin replied " Money?" He said " No, my child. Give me your most precious thing." Rin said " The most precious? Is the neem tree in the castle, It's the most precious thing I have. But how can I give you?." The Man said "Follow me!".

The Man takes her to the castle. The boy also follows him. The Man said " Is that the neem tree, you were talking about?" Rin said "Yes!". The man said "I know you are not lying". He takes out a wooden wand and waves it like a loop and spells " With dignity, Nature give me the power to take this tree!". The tree emites a light and starts to shrink. Rin and the Boy was amazed. It shrinked at the size of a dog. The Man assembles it's roots and take the tree on his lap. Rin asked " Every month you will take fees?". The man replied " No, you have given me you're most precious thing I will take care of this for my lifetime you don't give fees now." Rin said " Please, take care of it". The man said " Of course". And he left.

When he was walking through the forest. The boy came infront of him. The boy said " You don't know me, but I am you're student. My name is Robin, I was learning you're techniques through bushes when you were teaching Rin." The man said " Oh, So?" Robin replied " What you want as fees?" The man said " You're most precious thing". Robin replied " Ok take this plant" The man said " don't lie, it's not the precious thing you have" Robin said " Ok, this is the key, my mom gave me before dying." The man said " What kind of key is it?" Robin said "I don't know". He replied "Ok well I will keep it".

To Be Continued.............

© ManyaB