

I, The Third Wheel
Write a short story where the protagonist has a doppelganger. #doppelganger
I always feel like a third wheel when I'm around my friends and their families. It's not that I don't like them, I do, I'm just not used to being in such a big group. I'm an only child, so I'm not used to having to share my parents' attention.

I grew up in a small town and I was the only Asian kid in my school. I was always picked on and I always felt alone. I was glad when I finally got accepted to college in a big city.

I was excited to start my new life, but I was quickly disappointed. I didn't make any friends in my classes and I was always alone in the library or in my dorm. I started to feel really lonely.

One day, I was walking around the city and I saw a group of people walking together. I thought that they looked like they were having a lot of fun. I wanted to be a part of that group, but I didn't know how to join them.

I started to follow them, but I was always a few steps behind them. I didn't want to get too close, in case they noticed me. I was surprised when they stopped in front of a building and the group dispersed.

I walked into the building and I saw myself in the mirror. I was shocked to see that I had a doppelganger. I didn't know what to do, so I just walked away.

I couldn't get the image of my doppelganger out of my mind and I started to stalk him. I followed him everywhere he went and I even started to dress like him. I was surprised that no one noticed that we looked alike.

I started to feel really close to him and I even started to fall in love with him. I was happy when he finally asked me out on a date. I was nervous about meeting his family, but I was excited to finally be a part of a group.

I was shocked when I saw that his family was just like mine. We were all the only child in our families. I was happy to finally have a family of my own.

© Troyeeka