

Wicked Fairy Queen
Once upon a time,
When storytellers spoke in rhymes, and riddles
When giants roamed and dragons flew,and witches rule the covens
Knights were bold and charming too,
Maidens all were chaste and pure,
And magic spells could curse or cure,
In this realm of thoughts and dreams,
Lurks the wicked fairy queen.

Meanwhile Anna turned eighteen,
An adult now, with marriage dreams,
Anna in white wedding dress,
A grand affair, with many guests,
A splendid carriage, golden glints,
A royal wedding, handsome prince,
But these were dreams locked in her head,
Anna sighed, and decided to watch TV instead.

Anna did not suspect or know,
That in fairyland her dreams would show,
That her private fantasies were seen,
By the wicked fairy queen,
The queen saw this naive romance,
And decided to prey on her dreams
To hatch a brilliant evil scheme,
A perversion of a romantic dream.

The fairy queen appeared one night,
Said she knew of Anna’s plight,
Conjured a vision, just a glimpse,
Of a dashing handsome prince,
A prince waiting for her hand,
Patiently in fairyland,
The fairy queen would help prepare,
To claim her prince, if she dare,

Thus did Anna take her hand,
And journeyed far to fairyland,
A strange journey, along no road,
To the fairy queen’s abode,
There the queen did instruct,
How a princess should conduct,
How to flirt, bewitch, seduce,
With morals played fast and loose.

Anna asked, what did she mean?
Her lewd suggestions seemed obscene,
The wicked fairy queen spoke in haste,
A princess ought be seeming chaste,
A prince’s desires, truth be told,
Are both light and dark, hot and cold,
There is nothing that a prince likes more,
Than chaste princess, skilled like a whore.

Noble women remain pure and chaste,
Despite deeds that seem debased,
Strong women cannot be lead astray,
If hearts are pure in every way
As long as hearts and minds hold true,
No action can besmirch virtue,
The fairy queen thus did convince,
That wantonness attracts a prince.

So Anna listened to the queen,
Who talked of acts debauched, obscene,
And when the queen suggested they,
Might together naked lay,
Engaged in that sordid deed,
Anna foolishly agreed,
And with her fingers, lips and tongue,
The fairy queen made Anna come.

Anna startled, woke in her bed,
Chaos whirling through her head,
Fairyland, so real it seemed,
Yet surely it was just a dream,
What was real or falsehood?
How could bad feel so good?
And why were her sheets so wet?
By such thoughts she was beset.

Soon enough things turned mundane,
Returned to normal life again,
Walk the dog, watch TV,
Go to work, shopping spree,
But there was one thing that had changed,
Thoughts became perverse and strange,
She’d fantasise about that night,
And pondered on those lewd delights.

Then one dark and stormy night,
Lightning struck, cut the lights,
Anna stumbled about the dark,
Then abruptly lit by hellish spark,
She appeared, bold and brash,
To rolling thunder, lightning crash,
And so Anna meekly observed,
The wicked fairy queen returned.

With no hesitation, pause, delay,
The queen whisked poor Anna away,
Before Anna could move or plan,
She was back in fairyland,
To Anna’s embarrassing dismay,
Dressed in bedtime lingerie,
Near leering man, double horned,
With huge erection, bold adorned.

If a prince you wish to please,
You must learn to bend the knee,
Use your mouth, your tongue, your lips,
Upon the length, the base, the tip,
Practise on this monstrosity,
Disregard your modesty,
For this is no man, satyr in fact,
So your chastity, remains intact.

Anna knelt before the beast,
Sampled his forbidden feast,
Licked, and fondled, kissed and sucked,
Until at last his seed was plucked.
His exuberance adorned her face,
And Anna grinned with wanton grace,
Then as though this were routine,
Again! Commanded the wicked fairy queen,

Anna refused to be deterred,
A second satyr, then a third,
Anna gave her gorging gift,
A fourth satyr, then a fifth,
Six satyrs spent, sucked dry,
All the while, the queen stood by,
Until a dozen crescendos cast,
Enough! The queen said at last,

Anna woke on bedroom floor,
With horrid taste and aching jaw,
Clock radio showed flashing light,
Power had returned last night,
She stood up, nearly tumbled,
To the bathroom, staggered, stumbled,
Into the mirror, stared then screamed,
Anna covered in, white pearly cream.

Was she crazy, gone in insane,
And dreamt of fairyland again?
Had she crazily, within her sleep,
Accessed fantasies, dark and deep?
In deep slumber wandered out,
Unconsciously acted out?
Had she accosted some random man,
With a wildly wilful plan?

Anna did not know what to think,
And thought it best to see a shrink,
But the psychiatrist could not explain,
Connections that appeared insane,
But eventually after days and nights,
Anna began to feel alright,
It could not be what it seems,
Probably just some lucid dreams

Anna returned to mundane life,
A quiet existence, free of strife,
But all the while she was caught,
By one disturbing, nagging thought,
Why was it that in her dreams,
She seemed to find perverse extremes?
Perhaps she thought with self candour,
She wished to be a wanton whore.

Anna found through tedious days,
Unwelcome thoughts led her astray,
About the neighbour and his wife,
Perhaps they lived the swinger’s life?
She pictured them without their clothes,
In passionate romantic throes,
A wild, primal, lusty scene,
With Anna merrily in between.

While Anna acted, timid, shy,
Thoughts churned wild, undignified,
Like forest full of raging fires,
Anna burned with lewd desires,
With chastity her core belief,
She had no means of sweet relief.
Anna cruelly carnally cursed,
In ardent agony, about to burst.

The wicked fairy queen arrived in style,
Grinning like a crocodile,
Time to learn rough play,
With that she whisked Anna away,
It looked like fairyland has changed,
To dungeon filled with whips and chains,
Two satyrs roughly stripped her bare,
Chained her to the floor right there.

Only a submissive tart,
Can truly win a prince’s heart,
The measure of one’s purity,
To persevere through indignity,
Anna’s task with satyrs grim,
Was to satisfy their every whim,
No matter how coarse, debased,
She must bear it with inhuman grace.

Surrounded by satyrs on every side,
Each bore their erected pride.
One spanked her until rosy red,
She just begged for more instead,
Three together filled her every hole,
While Anna gladly lost control,
For every perversion that she bore,
She kept asking, wanting more.

Tortured, pleasured, abused, deprived,
Anna took it all and thrived,
A plaything for a lusty throng,
For seeming many hours long,
Until at last the queen was swayed,
Called an end to their wicked play,
Anna stood, beamed with pride,
Blew the queen a kiss goodbye.

Anna sprang awake, uncaged,
Primed for a debauched rampage,
She swung with swingers, old grotesque,
Pleasured her boss upon his desk,
Ordered pizzas for the delivery guys,
Traversed the city with bedroom eyes,
Slept with many, many men,
Even seduced her straight girlfriend.

She acted out every fantasy,
Slept with a driver in his taxi,
Worked as a hooker for awhile,
Did hockey team, with a smile,
Slept with the neighbour and his wife,
But nothing could keep her satisfied.
Every encounter ended the same,
With burning lust she could not tame.

She threw parties in the nude,
Slept with whomever wanted to,
Joined the local bondage club,
Excelled as dom as well as sub,
Brought a person home each night,
Would find another before first light,
But no matter how much seed was spilled,
She always had a hole unfilled.

When the fairy queen returned once more,
Anna embraced her old mentor,
Anna wished to leave for good,
Tired of her old neighbourhood,
Whether or not by prince’s hand,
She wished to live in fairyland,
Foreseeing the conclusion of her scheme,
This pleased the wicked fairy queen.

The queen said for these final tasks,
Anna must do all that she asks,
It must be clearly understood,
To stay in fairyland for good,
Anna must pay a terrible toll,
Her body ripped from her soul,
If this is what she’s truly after,
She must seduce their wicked master.

They journeyed to the masters cave,
Abode of the most debauched, depraved,
And there he stood, imposing, grand,
The devil that ruled fairyland,
And in a deep and booming voice,
He gave Anna a sinister choice,
A terrible price if she remained,
To the floor she would be chained.

But Anna did not hesitate,
She accepted his cruel mandate,
Then for long nights and days,
He possessed her, in all ways,
Through monotonous deprivation,
And every stinging degradation,
Anna willingly stayed bound,
Until it fell, a snapping sound.

At last the fickle fates had spoken,
The chains that bind are broken,
The devil said, let it be heard and seen,
Was born a new wicked fairy queen,
The old queen may retire at last,
To Anna, the batton passed,
Then through rituals lewd, obscene,
They hailed the new wicked fairy queen.
#lust #sex #abused
© Zamsi