

HER STORY -part 2
Chapter 2

" Hey Pooja , are you there ?.Oh come on yaaa, I just said it because .......you know about mothers.They would always force thier daughter to get married as they want to make you safe in someone's hand.It's all a part of thier love and care.Don't worry ".Jaya said so nicely to make me cool. " You can say anything as you are already committed with a guy ". Jaya suddenly spoke, " Hey, are your mother roming around there. She may hear you .I have told you many times that don't speak about Ragesh through phone calls or even in any chats .Only I kknow how hare is to keep it as secret".I mocked at her and said ,"Oh my noodles haired teddy bear, come to the point why did you call me ?" Jaya's sound turned into a serious meant that she is going to speak about the Kohinoor diamond. " Hey , did you prepare for tomorrow's test paper ".Oh my God.again!!!!.She have called me to ask about these silly things. I am sure that she wouldn't have studied any thing from aby chapters and now asking for my help to share my answers with her." Oh Jayaaaaa.......are you mad ? I will share every answers that I know.Okay don't worry ". I guess that Jaya might have jumped with joy as her round seemed happy. " I am so lucky to have you.. .Thank you so much .Let's catch up tomorrow.bye and goodnight.

I placed my phone on the bed. My books have been spreaded all over the room .I took them in my hands aand kept it in the shelf.
I moved towards my cupboard to iron my clothes to wear to college tomorrow.I pulled my light pink coloured top .Mom screamed from the kitchen " Pooja, come here.....Let's have the dinner together. I placed my dress back and went to the hall.

Dad and mom car there.
My mom were a good cook. All her dishes tasted so delicious and my father always praised her .I washed my hands and sat down.Dad started to talk. " Let's visit our family. Pradeep is called me today also.He is forcing me to go there.They wishes to see us.So tell me Pooja, when will your exams start ?. " Dad, they will start tommorow and after one week they will be over ". Mom was not speaking anything. Dad asked her that whu she was so silent. She said
in anger ," your daughter is 26 now and she is not ready to get married. Why can't you ask her ?".My father smiled at me and I smiled back." Okay.....Pooja, why did you mmake your mom so sad.Don't you want a partner. Or do you have a boyfriend ?" He smiled again.
" Oh come on dad, I am not in any relationship and if I had anyone, I would have told you about this.I just want to complete my studies and want to look for a job.Then after that you could find someone for me ". My mom said in a full suspicious voice , "What are you saying ? First you said to me that you want to complete your studies. And now you want a job ? What is the need of a job if your husband is earning ?" ." Then why did you go for a job mom ?. I am not going to change my decision." I stood up and turned away to wash my hands......

Will be continued..........

© Hibaz_writings