

Akbar is a man of five feet seven inches in height.

He is strongly built, broad- shouldered, narrow-waisted and long- armed. He is neither too thin nor too fat. His head dropped a little towards the right shoulder. His legs somewhat bowed outwards from the effect of much riding in boyhood. His forehead is broad and open. His eyes so bright and flashing that they seem like a sea shimmering in the sunlight. His eyelashes are very long and his eyebrows are not strongly marked. His nose is straight and small. His nostrils are widely opened. Between the left nostril and the upper lip there is a mole. His face is clean- shaved except for a small closely trimmed moustache. He does not cut his hair. He wears a turban into which he gathers up his hair. He limps in his left leg, though he never received any injury there. When laughs his face becomes almost distorted. His expression is tranquil, severe and open,full of dignity.

His outer garment was a tunic reaching a little below the knees. It was made of this material interwoven with gold thread, decorated with embroidered patterns of flowers and foliage and fastened by a larger clasp. On his head he wore a small tightly rolled turban. The head dress was enriched by pearls and other gems. He liked European dress also. Sometimes, in private, he wore a Portuguese suit, black suit of velvet.
He kept a dagger in his gridle.

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