

........A Nightmare I Had
The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember. I look around and I realized I'm not in a place that I know of. My hands started to shiver because it was much a dark place and I have no idea what should I do.Now I could hear the door creaking and I walked towards it.I was so scared that the painting fell and a letter dropped off from its back.I opened the letter and my sight started to blur. I rubbed my eyes and started to read. The letter said,"Dear girl, you need to burn the painting orelse ....." the letter was on fire and I was helpless. I picked up the painting and it started to bleed. I was so blank that I couldn't scream but run and the next minute I woke up and realized it was a nightmare. Well never thought that it would be so real.Later I couldn't sleep for some nights but I managed.The other day my dad brought the same painting and hanged it in our hallway. So nightmares can be real but surely with a change.Thats all I can say about the nightmare I had.

#nightmares #WritcoStory #life #death #real