

In search of Mom
once there lived a boy he was he was an extraordinary child a cutie pie and outstanding child at school a very well behave child his name was sauce he was just 9 years old but by seeing this choice child no one cannot think of how insipid he was living with his father a very Lewis life along with his Grandma and Grandpa the only thing that he never get was the view of his mother he always missed and always think, try to remember memorize but never find any figure of his mother always used to get sad,whenever he used to find his all friends with mom.
all of sudden when she was just cleaning the room and you find one photograph of his mother it was very pretty lady you are just surprise to see and also are good by himself finally confirm that this face is matching like him she might this figure might be office mother only no one else he just wanted to confirm it by asking grandmother they didn't under a single word to him.
But this kid became little curious and wanted to know about his mother at any cost he keeps on finding all the things whatever he is getting daily from home or by asking the family friend you finally got some information that is mother recite just next to his friend so in once in morning he just told his father he is going to meet his friend and instead of going to meet friend he just knock the door of his mother Aarthis house, she was bit surprise to find a 9 yeas old boy standing out of her house.
She got shocked to see a boy who was resembling like her , sudden thoughts came out of her mind is this boys standing out is her own son. She just wanted to confirm and ask "who are you"?
What do you want from me?
Sauj repelied I am in search of my mother I have lost my mother I don't remember anything but I want to meet her.
Aarti replied what if you can't find your mum why are you here I am not and how would I know where is your mom? Do you have any photographs of her or any memories? replied no I don't have anything however I know my mom resembles me it seems your face is like me I said you on the Internet and I found this address only now it's architecture laughing you are so n****** child go and search somewhere else I am not your mom now search went to grandma and keep on asking finally finally grandma Tod yeah she is Aarti is your mom actually due to arrogancy of your dad are the left this house she is very nice guy and a very outstanding mother but it's your dad who never wants to give up and so they are part now even coat has given them some notice to re observe their relationship for 6 month but you are dad doesn't want to get her back poor child go have your lunch and sleep.

But this child is a little bit curious and stubborn child ,he just decided to talk to his father directly and he did the same .He went to his father and narrated the whole story regarding how he managed to reach mom ,who is his mom and he was just crying to say that his mother couldn't resemble her him. She told that who are you and I don't have any child.

Prashant couldn't do anything ,was just surprised to listen all the story and just keep calm .He also told Sauj to go and sleep.
Sauj slept but he got high fever , he couldn't get up . His full body was warm and kept
mesmerizing mom please come . Doctor was called all the medicines were provided but doesn't help at all ,finally he rushed to the hospital, condition became more worse, Dr suggested to provide some blood as he was shorten blood.

Now the question arises from where the blood will come, B
positive blood. Only one person with same blood group was known for them Aarti.
Aarti and his son both were having the same blood group B+,finally Prashant had to rush ,apologize, request and beg to Aarti for saving their child. She was just socked to know,what happened to him, two days ago I met him he was very fine and confident child. Within the span of 2 days, what made him get in such a critical stage? Prashant vas blank now finally he narrated the whole story to Aarti.
Aarti was also surprised how a boy very little, but curious, has got such a deep in relation with aarti in just one meeting. Now she thought that this might be the grace of God asignal ofgod. He is my child ,so he has lot of a affection with me .She regreted ,how due to the ignorance of her Sauj is in such a critical condition today. Siwan to doctor and told please take my blood .I want my son to be as healthy as he was again, I am missing his voice, his curious tone ,his love ,I just want to talk to him please make him well now.

Doctor did the same and Sauj
was well now, he is very happy to get his mother back.
Happily narrated the story the all how his all friends used to have their full family along with mama and papa ,though dad was with him but mom was not with him .
This was something lagging in his family but now his family has become complete family.
He also narrated how first time saw his mother and Aarti didn't accept him ,he was so depressed .
He stopped taking food even ,when he got fever he didn't take any medicine, due to which he had to move to hospital.
He askedpardon from mother and father , he told I did so to get my complete family back. I am more Happy Child now. I promise I will have obey all now.

© Life is beautiful