

Crystal Clear
Crystal Clear he is everyone said and that he is the best, but she never found it in him all these years. She was confused whether she had heard it right the first time that he is crystal clear you can see through him. She had tried to read his mind many a times but it never happened.

She was lost after so many years she again took the dictionary to note what was the meaning of crystal Clear and how it befits him. She read it and found the meaning doesn't match with the man with whom she is living for decades.

Then she closed the dictionary and signed, " I must have heard it wrong, they must have never said that he was Crystal Clear". She smiled looked in the mirror, combed her hair and opened the door for her husband, he just walked past her even without a glance as it was happening for decades.

It was Crystal Clear to her that she was Perfect and Beautiful and she no longer wanted the words to feel the same.


© nishineni