

Killer Clowns
Abigail you are being investigated for the murders of Kylee Ray & Ronnie Henderson. All you keep saying is I didn't do this, what makes us think your going to tell us the truth. I know one thing these shrooms in your pocket didn't get there on there own?why don't you explain this. "Well I know it looks bad","but I use them for my anxiety"." I never hallucinate on them", I just microdose that's all. Officer Jenkins really she's just a kid,and her best friend was murdered it wasnt her. No it was Robbie Henderson he's the weird guy from high school with the grungy look and black lipstick.. I don't know all I know was that he was such a freak show. That stupid darranged fuck killed my best friend & almost killed me. I didn't do this officer Jenkins, Please just go get a doughnut and call it a night, I'm about to bond out of here and there wont be much more time for your stupid questions. I am not a murderer what do I have to do find the killer clowns for you I mean get real do your job you get fuck. I'm telling you the truth , I thought Robbie was in love with Kylee why would he kill her?. I wasnt fortunate enough to remember a lot do to the drugs.I remember opening and closing my eyes repeatedly, When he came and unchained me and her. I begged him to let her go, he just chuckled. My eyes closed he continued to beat her head in the camper floor Blood came out of her mouth and was dripping off her tounge,She spit and bit his finger. He stabbed her with a pitchfork that was laying against the camper from the outside and said that will teach you. He is a mad man Ronnie is dangerous please find him. He is so guilty I can't believe he wanted to take her out on a date and he led her to this camper off road in the woods why?Look the kid is scared obviously she didn't do it so let her go, Look Mariah I'm going to need you to mind your own business and let me do my job you stay in booking kapeesh. Jenkins this isn't what it seems and your wasting your time, when there is a real killer on the loose don't you see. How come everyone just lets every criminal slide under the table around here. This was a freak accident no. This was an intentional murder. The clown had so much hatred towards Kylee Ray. He wanted to know where his money was. What do you mean no one said anything about money? Well I'm telling you that's what he said while he was bashing her head into the floor. Do I have your attention now? No I just think you and your shrooms need a prison sentence or two for murder. Well once I bond out we will see about that,Jenkins I'm really going to go spiritually, mentally, and physically insane. I know what I heard. Kylee Ray kept screaming in pain with blood dripping out of her mouth and off of her tounge she spat and said I don't know what your talking about I would never hurt anyone. Well Robbie was found dead outside this camper they just now called it in. Sheesh what's taking them so long to check the scene, go ahead and call for back up Jenkins 10-4. why is Robbie dead Abigail he is dead ? He didn't answer her.Go ahead and take her in we have to finish investigating the crime scene I'm going in for backup. I should warn you when the clown started laughing historically after he stabbed her like a szitzoohrenic or something he's crazy! I honestly thought it was Robbie, no he was in a clown suite after he got off his shift from doing a child's party on 9th avenue he was brutally stabbed in the head with the same pitch fork not to long after you and Kylee Ray was found. Good work kid I guess you realized that you wasn't hallucinating and what you seen was true. Robbie has an uncle that's the clown that was beating your best friend Kylee Ray. This was an brutal assault on her. All because he couldn't find Robbie until just now. Y'all are interrogating the wrong person and I'm willing to help find my best friends killer since y'all think this is a joke. Take her to her cell,she needs to be rested well and defently needs to be making a psychiatrist appointment since she won't be seeing our mental health here in the jail. The next morning I bonded right out of jail my mom and dad was always there for me,but dad was the coolest we would always hide things from mom because she took things to a whole new level we both settled with not telling her. But as soon as we got home she had the news on and there Kylee Ray was dead and so was Robbie Henderson. That punk kid from school was so in love with Kylee Ray. On graduation Robbie moved and said he would never forget Kylee Ray and he definitely came back to win her heart over but it's to late now for the love story we got a murderer on the loose that wears a Clown mask, how unfortunate my mother chirped. Why was you in the middle of this? what happened and why do the police thank it was you. First of all how did you find out I was in jail. Obviously I Seen the news and called the police station because I knew you had left late last night. You really ought to get some rest Abigail you are doing to much. Mom my best friends gone and you don't even care. Listen to yourself I'm going to go to sleep. I ran upstairs to get away from the unbreathable living space we had . I can hardly feel like I'm getting air and I'm so sick to my stomach. I have seen so much blood and gory , I don't want to have to think about it. Everytime I close my eyes I see that mask on his face with his raspy chuckle after Kylee Ray bit him he killed her. There was so much blood I was trying to run her out of the woods without him getting to me . I grabbed Kylee Ray and hauled ass. I wrapped my flannel jacket around her stomach to try to stop the bleeding it was so disgusting. The warm blood soaked both our clothes. I'm never going to be able to recover from this. This is a big deal and they still haven't found the killer. I have to go talk to my dad he will help me figure out a way to get clues. I can hear mom now you don't need to be playing around in a crime scene you was just involved in get it together and have some since ! Hey dad can I talk to you for a second he was in the garage, yeah sure . I need to go back to the crime scene so I can get so I can get justice for Kylee Ray.She is dead and it's my fault because I told her to give him a chance. In high school he was a punk and no one liked him. I embarrassed the shit out of him because I wouldn't date him and neither would my Kylee Ray. Wow how unfortunate ugh mom that will forever be stuck in my head We are going to go to Huckaby lane and the camper is in the woods we will set one of my old trail cams up and see if anyone comes back to the crime scene alot of times they do and maybe we will be able to get him. I'm not going to be waiting for you I'm going with you dad. oh no your not young lady you will stay in the truck and I will set up the camera then we are going to the police department do you understand me. On the way there it was hot and humid I was so nervous I was wanting to get high but I couldnt because I was with my dad. after 39 minutes of driving we arrive and he gets out and pops the trunk thank God I'm about to die for a ciggerette dad didnt know i smoked either. I was the bad one and Kylee Ray was the good one. I couldn't ever compare to her . She was a cheerleader and had long blonde curly hair she was perfect until that some of a bitch stabbed her. I will find him if it's the last thing I do. To bad dad said he would be gone no longer than ten minutes I'm about to go check and see if he made it. As I got out of the car I could hear the thunder. Oh shit looks like rain is coming we got to get out of here. Once I walked up through the woods you seen old abandoned cars with rust and beer cans everywhere. What a shit hole. Who is this creep anyways. Where the hell is my dad he should have met me back this way. I listened and I heard a mans voice and the camper door sling open yeah I killed the girl on accident I was only supposed to scare Ronnie but I ended up ending both of there lives I needed help with covering my tracks I got to get out of town snd there was one survivor the girls friend came looking for Ronnie's little girlfriend who wasn't the girl that went to the casino with him and blew my $300,000 on fun and games. They thought it was funny but it ain't funny anymore. Wow Bart I got to go I just heard a noise in the back. I'll be leaving in the next 30, I need you to find the survivor and scare the hell out of her. I want them to think she was the reason for all this . I'm going back to California shortly and this will all be over for me. Oh my God I turn to run fast and I was starting to lose my breath by the time I got to the car . oh shit dads in the car are you kidding me. How did you get back so fast. I told you not to leave the car. He was in an actual clown suite smoking a cigar I seen him hopefully we can get the camera to catch his tag number when he leaves. We got to go to the police department. No dad we can't go there I got to go somewhere he said something about a survivor and he wants me dead I just know it he's coming for me next dad. I'm going to go to aunt sivels, I have to get a break from all this. Do you want to eat some BBQ, yeah it would be off the next exit let's go eat. Oh yeah Abigail your sisters party is coming up, and your mom wants you to plan it with her. Since your the party planner around here and everything. She wants a petting zoo and clowns. Dad I'm not in the mood for this conversation.What are you fucking out of your mind I would rather die. No thank you, obviously you don't take things seriously. I really want to get dropped off at sivels. I'm done with this I don't need any more traumatic things this year I've had enough. You really need to make a psychiatrist appointment Abigail it would do you well. your wish is my command I will take you to sivels to the family farm it will be fun and help keep your mind off this horror story. I know you didn't do this im going to go and talk to the police department and let them know about the camera. I can't believe they haven't found these guys yet. Dad I can't believe another psychotic killer clown is going to be on the loose. Who was he on the phone with? He must have been talking to someone he trusts with his life to tell them about the murders he would have to be a murderer too dad. It's so grand to be here with you Abigail yes aunt sivel I'm glad you didn't forget about me.Yes dear go get cleaned up for dinner there is plenty of veggies from the garden that need cooked and uncle fresko has meat on the grill already. Mmm sounds good not and I definitely don't want to cook veggies but I guess I have to. I can't get my mind of of these murders. It's really start to make me feel uncomfortable. It's starts to rain,as I look out from the sink in the kitchenI seen a shadow comung around the side if the house. Ugh is was just nanny the collie dog. I dropped a pot of corn over a damn dog seriously here uncle fresko take this corn I'm not dealing with any more scary stuff that dog just scared the piss out of me.