

GOOD MORNING...............
Do we greet someone 'Good morning' because it is going to be a good morning,or are we just merely wishing someone out of courtesy or formality?If it is for formality and courtesy,I think we should be greeting each other 'Good Courtesy' instead of 'Good morning '.

What is Good Morning?A Good Morning should be said with a merry heart,a heartfelt warm feeling,it should be expressed in the purest sense of the word—"Good"!

Good Morning should be expressed with a good feeling,as the words are spoken the feelings are also being expressed and the other person who receives the Good Morning should feel,yes it is going to be a Good Morning for him/her.

Let us all strive to live in a better world and mean what we say,rather than living in a world for the sake of formality,without even knowing the feeling of a Good Morning.

So the next morning,greet someone truthfully and express it with feeling when you say Good Morning!
© Michelle Jineilia