

We are the Divine
A million thoughts run through my mind
A million people run through my mind
A million situations run through my mind
These are the things my mind encounters
I am a slave to my mind
I am a slave to my circumstances
I am a slave to the approval of others
I am a slave bound in the shackles of oppression
I am a slave bound in the shackles of the drama from others
Where is there inner peace?
Where can I retreat to?
Where is the inner quiet?

Suddenly a voice speaks to me
There is a vision in my mind
She looks like me
Exactly like me
I ask, who are you?
She replies, I am your higher self
I am the purest version of your entire being
I am the version which is free from the shackles which you speak of
I am the version which is the extension of God
You have become entangled in the web of duality and have forgotten me
The web has plunged you into turmoil
I have been with you for many births
You have taken a new birth
And forgotten
You have forgotten who you are

There is a place within you
Your natural state
Your natural habitat
It is the state of enlightenment
It is the state of infinite bliss
It is the state of pure ecstasy
It is your real home
Forget the illusion of the world
Focus on me
Go to the place of stillness
Go into the quiet of your mind
Go into the place where you belong
The place where there is no noise
The place where the blah blah blah of the world is dead
The place where only you matter
The place where you can merge into a oneness with me
I know you better than anyone else
No one will know you like how I do
I am you
You are me
We are the Divine
#mentalhealth #mindfulliving #divine #innertalk #higherself #story #quiet #silence #peace