

coronavirus destroy 2020
I thought 2020 will be a better year than before, but it turns out more worse. As the first cases of coronavirus detected in China, non of my people in my country care about it. Until one day, I turn on my mobile phone, seeing the notifications that some highschool students begging for corona come to my country. You know why? because they want holiday. You know, kids nowadays. Most people disagree, and some of them criticize them. When first cases of corona detected in my country, only few of them care about it. They still go out and act like nothing happened. One day, i read from my friends message, saying that if they keep doing, there will be chances to lockdown our country. I can't do anything. i have seen many post,banner and television ads showing 'stay at home'. Until the cases reach 100 people, most of them then obey. I see few cars going on highway. Restaurant are still open but they are now allowed to eat the foods in the restaurant. All events are closed. Now, it is ramadhan, and it is not as same as before. No bazaar food, No gathering and no Teraaweh. In eid, there will be no eid prayer, no gathering, no visiting, no everything. To me, it feels like prison. Corona just destroy everything in this year. This year would be the worst year in our life. I know who to blame, and you know too, But its gonna be useless. I just wish that, if i close my eyes, and when i open my eyes, It is already 2021.