

'Eid ul Fiter' A Musim's Religious festival
Today is the day which comes after every one year and the muslims all over the world celebrate Religious Eid festival. During the holly month of Ramadan, Musims fasts for thirty days to obey the orders of Allah according to the holly Quran. Eid ul Fiter is a precious gift for muslims in repay of 30 days fasting by Almighty Allah.
People visit the houses of their near and dear ones and greet each other. They offer sweets and other delicious dishes and enjoy the day by being socialized for the whole day. Most of people visit the graves of the beloved ones and pray to Allah for their forgivness. People forget the dispute and forgive each other by heart. One can experience an enviornment of love and peace among the society.
No doubt eid festival unite people and give them a chance to enjoy life by forgetting the harshness of lives.

© Faheem Ahmed