

The Little Birdie's Aid
A little birdie perches on a tree
She hooks her tiny talons on a branch
She spies on a bigger creature down below
She finds the lone creature mesmerising

The Little Birdie chirps merrily
She perceives the creature as a gentle beast
She chirps and chirps in awe at the Beast
She notices the Beast said not a word

The Little Birdie flies down
She leaves the branch to approach the Beast
She discovers injuries hidden in the fur
She hears a sudden roar from the Beast

The Little Birdie gets startled
She avoids the claw strikes of the Beast
She detects the Beast getting exhausted
She calms down as the Beast swoons

The Little Birdie crafts a plan
She travels back to her nest miles away
She calls the other birds for urgent help
She leads the way as they take off with her

The Little Birdie arrives back
She carries remedies for the Beast's rescue
She convinces the hesitant Flock to assist
She glides down as the Flock follows

The Little Birdie helps the beast
She treats the wounds on the Beast's body
She covers leaves around the bruises
She views the Flock pouring water down the gashes

The Little Birdie finishes the dressings
She backs away when the Beast rises up
She waits as the Beast sees what they did
She spots the Beast's grateful expression

The Little Birdie becomes delighted
She witnesses the Beast showing gratitude
She learns why the Beast was exasperated
She receives an apology from the Beast

The little Birdie befriends the Beast
She hops onto the back of her new friend
She watches the Flock joining her as well
She rests as her new friend gives them a ride

The end

© Skipper R.
© Photo by Lizzy Stewart on 4.bp.blogspot.com