

you save me while i couldnt save you
it was all foggy morning, the wave of breeze is cold,the soft whisper of air are just mesmerizing and the stars still shine–while a bright sunlight await.

why am i here...not this place but what i mean is why im here?,in this world.
still existing..
no i dont want to exist anymore.

this place is quiet..
all i can hear is my thought and the sounds of river waves. its peaceful, calming..
and all i want is to jump off.

i take the first step closer to the edge of the bridge, theres no stopping now and theres no turning back.

i could see how high where i am, the sound of seguils noise and grass waves was only a white noise to me.

i step one feet in the air after the other, it was a quick fall but to me its feels like an eternity, i feel the soft touches of the airfpasses through my face followed by the cold water.

i could see the clear sky underneath the water while body sinking into a deep part, absorbing me and consuming me.

my vission blurry and began to darken and darken..

an image of memory played in my mind;
my first ever violin, me and my sister sharing ice cream when we were kids, the time when we were in the zoo and the tree house we build..

all of those were my sweet childhood memories
it was the best part of my life..

"miss wake up!"
"miss please, could you hear me?!"

"so what happen?" he ask calmy

i couldnt help but just to stare at him and ask my self 'why did he save me?', 'what his intention?'
of course who the heck wouldn't do anything when they saw a depress woman jumping off the bridge. thats too stupid to ask.

he have this blue eyes,dark hair and milk skin.
he look one of those boys in the movies who always got bullied, he look quite attractive though.

"n..nothing" i hesitantly speak and sutter

he stay silent before speaking up again.

"its okay if your not ready to tell it yet but please dont ever do that again okay?"
He looked at me, raising his eyebrow and lowering his head, compelling me to make a promise.

i cant.
i dont know what to say, i dont know what im supposed to answer him. but i cant just erase all my negative thoughts cause someone just say so. thats not how its work.. not even close.

i nod despite how my lack of emotion show how insincerely i am.

he smile warmly and extended his hand.

"im erwin"

i hesitant before i slowly reach out and his hand meet mine, it was soft and warm.

"im sera.."