

It was the sound of water dripping that pulled me out of my thoughts. I was just on the verge of sleep when it started, the slow sound of water, but I rolled over and ignored it. It almost sounded something like rain droplets falling onto the chip bag that I had next to my bed...
I mentally ruled out the possibility of a leaky ceiling. I used the top bunk for storage, so I was sleeping on the bottom bunk instead, and I knew that even if the roof was somehow leaking, I wouldn't hear it on the bag, and on top of that, I couldn't hear any rain... I rolled on my stomach and tried to sleep.
Suddenly, something wet and cold landed on the back of my neck, jolting me out of bed! I frantically reached for my phone and glasses as my hands fumbled around in the dark. I slid my glasses over my nose with one hand, and used the other one to turn on the phone's flashlight, scanning the room.
There was nothing there. The room was the same, the roof wasn't leaking, and as I thought, it wasn't even raining. The only thing I found, was two little house flies hanging out in the front of my bed. Gross! I shuddered in disgust, thinking that one of them must have landed on the back of my neck, and immediately squished them with my shoe! Once that was done, I climbed by into bed, and tried going back to sleep.
I was just on the verge of sleep again, when a different noise woke me up! There was something scratching at the wood on the bunk above me. The cat was probably up there again, trying to knock stuff off! Irritated, I almost moved, I almost got up to go chase it away... Then I heard it growl.
© Britt Clark