

"When her third-eye opened"
She turned on her disco light in her bedroom. Adoring the different color of lights she started to dance to the rythem of the beat on her Playlist of music. She then got tired layed across the bed then got into indian style crossed legs palms up to the universe started meditating. Breathing in slowly out slowly feeling the frequency and vibrations around her. Calm and collective She then started seeing the images of her subconscious mind. Showing her first the "tree of life", surrounded by water in the middle of somewhere in the universe not here on Earth. She felt sum of the knowledge and wisdom from the water, roots up to the branches then to the green leaves. She then opened her eyes stood up flowing dancing to the beat of her heart and frequency radiating the lights that surrounded her. The lights begin to to turn into living vessels with moving emotions. She started touching the lights feeling...