

Searching Through Heaven 🌅
Laying on the bed watching the rain hit the window. In a stare because she's gone and shes not coming back. I had her 2 weeks ago but the unforgivable curse was apon her. Depression kills and she was the fool that took the devils prize. I'm taking one step at a time as the time feels like it's as slow as paint that never seems to dry. The laughs were in the corner where they shall stay haunting the room. Now it's just cries because it takes 2 to play and one to do the deed. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you and you felt so crushed. I gave it my best but it wasn't that good huh? Look at me now as I drank 2 bottles of your favorite in the mirror. I don't have long cause this car is swerving fast. I'm coming to join you my love. Just in time for the holidays. I can't do this without you so I won't. Selfish as it started I'm jumping through time and space to be with you and share this Christmas. The car hit a tree and I flew to the angels. I wasn't wearing my seatbelt. But who cares right? Now my body is mangled in the forest where we went hikes on. I lay dead and this is because of you. I'm not mad at you. I just knew that I couldn't be alone and I wanted to be with you for eternity and that starts unfortunately sooner than we thought. But I couldn't do it without you. So I swim in the fresh clouds with my new wings. The new journey is finding you in this dimension
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