

so it's my fight
no one is gonna do this for me
even if they want to help me
they can't
because only I can bring myself out from this shit
I forget him
I forgive him
I don't hate him
yes I do love him it's true
but yess I don't respect him
I don't trust him
I don't want him
I have regret yess I won't lie
and I want to say this to myself
okay it's okay
to feel sad,gloomy and grief
it's normal yrrr Aayushi it's normal
only you can help yourself
don't be afraid
just don't
Krishna is here to help you guide you
then what's the issue? you're scared of that rascal?
or feeling sad for him? why? Aayushi
he isn't even guilty of his actions
he's saying different things to others
Aayushi you're healing
see now you don't want revenge
you don't want him back
see you're healing my love
and okay love for him may not go away
but yess don't go back to him
you deserve really best things!
to be honest even your body is showing positivity... you saw that when you started thinking about him your soul ached... buy your body fell ill :)
Aayushi it's okay baccha... it's fine! even your tears are dried. And Aayushi just never ever give someone else place like this that they ruin you...this much. Nothing is wrong, okay it's okay...

© @Aayushi_Yadav