

Pack Light
I once read that somehow we're all carrying around a suitcase of things we have stored up over the years. The content of it is sometimes not touched for years yet we still carry it around out of obligation or ignorance rather. Like the elephant in the room that we don't address, it will eventually make its presence known.

It's always there and before the suitcase bursts at the seams; you have to make the journey lighter, not all journeys are meant to be tedious, especially not the one we call life. As the year is coming to an end, I realise that this was the year I opened my metaphorical suitcase & took a look in it. I sat with it, understood it & familiarised myself with everything in it.

I was rather alarmed at my collection of things which were deeply rooted in fear and how each unnecessary tie to each thing has now been broken. Marveling at the courage it took to face my own shadow as my shadow fuelled the things I was too stubborn to let go off. It was easier carrying around things than sitting with it and dealing with it, no longer though.

In this journey, I've learnt that It scares people when we see them for who they truly are or merely having the ability to do so. It's unearthing when we look at them dead in the eye and see every intention and wonder, why am I here? Once you routinely sit with your symbolic suitcase, people will naturally fall away. It's frightening when someone takes the time to pay attention, it frightens them off that you value yourself enough to meet all parts of you, you won't deal with anyone who doesn't do the same work on themselves. That's called high value. Curate it.

We often keep things, people & connections as souvenirs & think less about the purpose they fulfill in our lives. More often than not, stagnation means that it's a dead end. If anything is not purposeful, it's not needed. I keep reminding myself, if it doesn't nourish you in any way or add value to your life as a whole, remove and walk away.

Sometimes, you have to sit on the floor with it & rearrange, decide what's needed and what isn't. What will be left behind on the new journey that lies ahead?. It's often frightening to let go of things we think we need, it's less about the need of having it there and more about the purpose it fulfills in our lives.

Mayhaps, we've never needed them in the first place but we're hoarders so we kept them. Conditioned to feel better with many things but not realising the freedom and peace that comes with detachment. I challenged myself to release certain people, to cut them off and to close the chapter for good.

Letting go and leaving certain things behind allows you the space to open up to new opportunities, I kept reminding myself. Luggage quickly turns into baggage if it's not assessed every now and then. I feel lighter, I remind myself of the journey and the stamina I've gained. I'm so relieved.

Intention & awareness of one's holding capacity is important, it could stem from an idea to a situation. My biggest achievement is that I have become my own entity. Maybe I don't even need the suitcase & whatever I need lies within me.
© Memoirs of Maryannable's Mashables