

Dawn of Omega episode2
Tell me your story vestis. How said Judover? He is in pieces? The glow said gather him and cover him with the waters from above. The beings around us did what he said. Arise Vestis said the Glow. His body was reattached and different. It was as if he was dirty. Judover asked what did you do to him? An unknown voice gave answer The waters below in your realm are capable of the same things. Due to the Boculmian eras, it was frozen and moved elsewhere. Ever so witting, mankind's innovation has taken them beyond barriers. They have amassed knowledge about the higher realms and the hierarchy of things. Someone from our realm had to have helped them evolve. We knew after sensing Valics power During the first Cataclysm of Boculmian. The first cataclysm said Judover? Per explained earlier, the Boculmian Era was the Slight Era before yours. The entrance to the common realms and higher realms...