

The Water Grave
She held on to the fragile branch with a death's grip as the roaring water threatened to drag her away.
She gasped, the bubbling swirls entering her mouth. There was no hope left...

Her mind kept searching for a way out, replaying everything that had happened a few minutes ago.

The note that led her here. His lean figure appearing beside her. His eyes...and his hands. As gentle and slender they were, the strength inside them had overpowered her with such ease. The strength inside them as he slithered them around her neck. The strength in his slender fingers as they closed around her throat and pushed her head into the foaming water. She played dead, and he fell for it.

But the moment he pulled her head out the water, she swiftly reached for his collar and pulled hard. He lost his footing and tumbled into the water, dragging her along. Her hand closed around the fragile branch. His hands had slowly slipped and his grip around her wrist faltered. She had watched his body disappearing into the roaring water.

The branch creaked above her head. There was no way out for her. The water would be her grave.

The branch finally broke. The water swallowed her whole and she heard a scream coming from above the water. But the water in her ears drowned the sound of it. It dragged her down the river, not allowing her a second to gasp for air.

Her lungs burned. She needed to breathe! But the water was all around her, engulfing her in its cold, wet embrace. She could no longer take it.

She took a breath.

The water burned her lungs and panick ripped through her as she took another involuntary breath. Fear settled in her heart and darkness took her into its arms, carrying her into its depts.

Strong arms wrapped around her limp body and pulled her out of the water. Rough hands wiped the water from her face. A pair of lips touched hers and breath that wasn't hers entered her mouth. Hands pressed against her chest. The water flowed out of her lungs and down her cheek.

Life returned to her body and she opened her eyes, choking. She coughed, the water leaving her burning lungs.

She felt various hands picking her up from the ground, placing her on something soft and dry.

And the soothing feeling of safety grabbed at her heart as she breathed in the fresh air.

© Copyright RosaliaJerika