

Talking stuff: Water bottle (part 1)

I don't know why I'm a water bottle, my owner doesn't care about me😐😑. I have fallen down many times😕😖, and had gotten many scratches too🥺🥺, thanks to my owner, but then also I look beautiful😍✨, that's why other bottles are jealous of me, and some have crush on me😝.
My skinny owner, she isn't able to handle my weight, so she asks her friends to carry it😂😂. And don't ask me about her friends, they think I am a ball and use me for catch-catch😒😞.
Many times, boys of her class steal me in fun, may be they also have crush 😍on me😂😂, human having crush on a water bottle 😂😂😂.
By the way, my silly, simple, stupid owner is very nice, and sometimes I feel she is sensitive about me🥰.
-Sanvi Gurpude

© Sanvi Gurpude