

Old King
Snow….snow slowly drifts down from the cracked ceiling onto the stone cold floor of a small crumbling castle,  its concrete rubble is scattered everywhere around two men in disarray. The older man wearing a golden crown above his gray unkempt hair speaks softly while being held up by the other. “Son...look into the trials of the past and only then...will you see are mistakes...are sins...do not weep for my soul child for my time was snuffed out on borrowed time...promise me in these trying hours that will decide your fate..everyone's fate...”. He coffs suddenly and speaks even more quickly “show them the fire of fury that burns in them eyes like did mine long ago…show them your ungodly and righteous ambition son...show them all…..”. He weeps with his final breath trying to reach out to you before his soul leaves his eyes as his arm collapses to the floor for the very last time.
A man in silver clad armor waiting outside the castle approaches you and bows before you after witnessing the king's death from afar, “I know we have not often talked when I was at your father's side...but I am here to make up for that lost time". He pauses for a moment and continuous "Thus I Sir Titus declare you the new king" he says with a hint of mockery "the few here that remain still believe in you taking up your father's mantle as the new king but i for one have to see it for myself".

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