

Knowing a stranger( part 2)
It was evening .I was in my university library..Its a luck it will remain open even in holidays.I wanted to check if I vould get some comic books.This library ,its so huge and filled with 'thousands' no 'lakhs' of books.Everything is catagorised but still its difficult to find what we are looking for .It wasn't the first time I got into.but I was admiring everything.
I got collapsed with someone. Oh my god! he is has cute eyes.But why is he trying to cover his face.
''I'm sorry'' (he said)just this?He walked away to other side.
It was the first time our eyes met but why do I feel like I saw him before?.just dont mind.I also started walking .After sometime I collected almost aol the comic books I got from there cuz the library had updated within a week!
I found some new along with those.
''oh shit,My comics!"