

as Tom and Laura walked along the lake looking at the ducks splashing around and diving for bread pieces Laura told Tom she didn't care much for their mutual friend Erin who had just passed away.

Laura sighed "you know he hit her. ever since then I wrote him off a long time ago." stretching her arms out awaiting a response Tom raised an eyebrow with a lack of enthusiasm to engage the subject he growned "well I'm not sure what to stay about that. Erin was a complicated man and was a good friend to me..." he paused and Luara snapped "fuck him he's a woman beater and Kat was our friend!"

silence came after her booming response flustered and arching posture as if looking for confrontation Tom signaled with a gesture to allow him to finish his thought one finger in the air pointing to the sky as if his thoughts were floating in the sky.

Tom licked his lips said softly " Dude is dead, the dead can not defend their actions of the past," he continued crossing his arms and looking off into the distance in the direction of the lake.
" however I have no place to comment on their crazy ass relationship. All I know is that life isn't all black and white. That was my friend if you have no remorse for his passing that's fine. if you cannot forgive his life as he lived it that's fine to. "

Laura sneered and with quick whip of her body said "Well I didn't realize you two were so close I just don't like him and I'm Glade he's gone ."

Tom had nothing really to add however anyone with eyes could see her comment hit a nerve.

"whatever happened between Kat and Erin is their business and last I checked you two haven't been friends for at least two years." realizing what he just said he paused and sat on a bench near by in frustration.

Laura followed him and sat near and calmly sighed out "So what that's it it's not your bussiness so he gets off the hook? so what if we are not friends now point is he fucking hit her when we were friends and I'll never forgive him for that." she leaned back in the comfort of the bench pulled out her phone and with a complete change of attitude to that of one unfeathered by the circumstances gleefully cried out "oh I know we can have burgers at Patras! haven't been there in a minute." she nudges Tom at his side.

"you know my Dad died of a heiron overdose in the back of that Burger place they found his body behind the dumpsters" Laura's face frowned a bit and with concerned voice laid her hand on his shoulder "I know dude that was messed up."

"He was a complicated man who did a lot of bad things and purposely overdosed." Tom scratched his bald head and ran his fingers down to his goatee and stroked it. "Yet I still love him and remember the good parts as well as the bad. I know Erin wasn't a great person but he was my friend and I miss him. he died to early to right the things of his pass I know but I just don't feel it's my place to judge the dead."

Laura smiled and kicked Tom's foot. "ok I guess you got a point but I'm still hungry!" she jumped up and looked at Tom pointing her finger at his chest
" your a kind heart that's why we will always be friends so how about we split some sushi instead of burgers?"

Tom got up and laughed "well I hope it the one on Main foo cause my uncle got shot like nine times by the cops their cause they thought he had a gun!" eyebrows peirced together Laura inquired "why?" Tom explained "man foo just got out of jail and they stole his belt so he was holding his pants up" Tom imitates his uncle holding his pants, "they thought maybe he was the guy they were looking for when they told him to turn around" Laura finishing his sentence "oh.. his hands were below his waist so they capped him."

"Bingo!" finger in the shape of a gun pointed at her

"Damn foo I Can't take you knowehre huh?!" Luare said jokingly

they both laughed and began walking out the park together.

© ptaco