

The neighbors
Once upon a midnight dreary, in a quaint and shadowed abode, there dwelled a man and his wife, amidst a night of tempestuous woe. The moon, in its fullness, cast an eerie glow, while the stars, like accusing eyes, pierced the darkened veil. Through the howling winds and lashing rain, the anguished cries of the husband and wife rent the air, a macabre symphony that echoed through the neighborhood.

When the sun, like a harsh judge, cast its unforgiving light upon the land, the neighbors, with watchful eyes, noticed the absence of the wife. Inquiries were made, but the husband, with pallid countenance and trembling voice, insisted she was but ailing, confined to her sickbed. Yet, whispered rumors spread like a contagion, suggesting a more sinister fate had befallen the absent wife.

As suspicion festered and unease consumed the community, the law, like a relentless specter, descended upon the man's threshold. With a rap-rap-rapping upon his chamber door, the officers sought to unravel the tangled web of deceit. Reluctantly, the man invited them inside, his hands tightening around a concealed implement of dread.

"Inspect the room where my dear wife lies," he implored, his voice a tremulous facade of innocence. The officers, unwitting pawns in his malevolent design, ventured forth, unaware of the impending peril. With treacherous resolve, the man, in a swift and ghastly act, sundered the flesh of the first officer, staining the chamber in a crimson lament.

The second officer, aghast and ensnared by horror's grip, turned to behold the grim tableau, but his fate was sealed in that dreadful instant. "Oh, great," the man lamented, his mind a churning cauldron of madness. "Two more now, what shall I do?" A nefarious scheme took root, and with dreadful purpose, he interred the fallen officers beside his wife, in a sepulchral embrace.

As twilight descended and the man sought respite from his malevolent deeds, a haunting reverie besieged his troubled mind. In the realm of dreams, he was beset by phantoms, feasting upon his very essence, a grim portent of his imminent downfall.

This narrative, wrought in the vein of dark and foreboding tales, reflects the sinister machinations of a man consumed by delirium, entwined in a web of deceit and horror, destined for a reckoning beyond mortal ken.
© c.wright