

It's A Girl


"It's a girl! "
The doctor gushed, placing the wailing infant on the woman's chest.
She heaved trying to catch her breath in the aftermath of her gruelling labour. Tears of pain mingled briefly with tears of joy before dissolving into tears of sadness.
She had once again given birth to a girl! Her third daughter. What would her husband and in-laws do to her now?

Chapter 1

Anita paced up and down the hallway of her palatial home in Jaipur, the capital city of the alluring state of Rajasthan in India. She had been worried sick since the very time she had heard she was pregnant for the third time.

She had been under immense pressure from her husband Raj and her in-laws to give birth to the heir of their well known influential Marwari family. Having had innumerable arguments over the issue and being caused extreme pain and grief ever since she had set foot into this house fifteen years ago. She was at the point of giving up everything but stopped when the faces of her two beautiful innocent identical twin girls flashed in front of her. Her lovely daughters whom she doted on were the centre of her existence.

Just then as if they had caught the vibes of her thinking about them they happily ran into the room and grabbed her from behind. Her twins turned five last week and were growing up into very intelligent and loving little girls. Anita's life revolved around them. It was only for her girls that she was living now and had to carry on living.

She had tried for many years to get through to her husband but unfortunately being the youngest and the only son of the three children of his parents, he was way too influenced by his mother. He was completely dominated by her, fully in her clutches and did not seem to find anything incorrect in his mother's ways and the manner in which she treated Anita all these years.

Anita had hoped that she would someday be able to melt his heart but to no avail. He remained to be the same stone hearted person she had no idea of when she had married him on that cold and fateful day in January of 2005. A day that had altered the course of her life forever. A day because of which she has had sleepless nights and days filled with grief and tears. A day she will never forget for times to come. The only one positive aspect of her painful marriage were her little girls who were her heartbeat. She put her heart and soul into raising them predominantly to ensure they do not turn out like their father or his parents. That would definitely be the last straw for Anita if either of her girls had even the slightest trace of their fathers or grandparents nature.

Anita had felt love for a brief period when she initially got married. Raj's older sisters were indeed very warm and welcoming to her and did everything possible to make her feel comfortable. But within two years of Anita's marriage they too got married and moved on with their respective lives. Anita had someone to pour her heart out to for those initial years but that as well came to an abrupt end sadly.

Now the three of them only met occasionally because all were busy with their own domestic duites and children to raise. Anita felt alone and helpless most of the time but there was nothing she could do at this point apart from ignore her situation and live for her children Nisha and Anisha.

She had the biggest responsibility of bringing these two children up and shaping them into loving,caring and good human beings. Human beings who felt anothers pain and sorrow, ones who readily lent a helping hand to whoever they could, ones who cared and shared easily. She was trying hard to raise them in the positive manner she had been raised by her loving family.

Anita came from a middle class Marwari family. Her parents Mr and Mrs Kothari were simple people who ensured Anita and her younger brother Karan were brought up surrounded by love, happiness and positivity. Anita had this impression of a family etched in her mind till she got a taste of another side to human beings when she got married.

The Singhania's were proud and arrogant people. Anita's father in law Mr. Sanjeev Singhania had inherited more wealth than they would ever need for generations to come. Probably this was one of the major reasons for his pride and arrogance. Her mother in law Sarita Singhania was no better. She was a great match for her ruthless husband. Infact she was the main reason behind Anita's miserable life in this house and her endless agony.

Chapter 2

Alone in her bathroom one afternoon scared and drowned in sweat she sat for a good period of time holding the pregnancy test she had bought the previous morning, but hadn't had the courage to use till a day later. Her hands trembled as she looked at the two coloured lines in front of her. Tears rolled down her cheeks except unlike the first time when it was tears of joy this time they were of fear and uncertainty of what was to become of her if she gave birth to another girl. Most women would be celebrating but she was terrified and didn't know how to break the news about her pregnancy to her heartless husband.

She waited anxiously for her husband to get home that evening and moved slowly in tiny baby steps towards his study where he usually spent most of his time when he was indoors. He hardly paid any attention to Anita anyway. Anita hesitantly knocked on the door to the study.

"Come in," a harsh and loud voice was heard from the other side of the room. Anita walked slowly and stood in front of the beautiful mahogany carved table that her husband sat across, staring at her with a fixed gaze, one that sent shivers down her spine each time. "I needed to speak with you", Anita said softly almost in whispers.

"What is the matter?" Raj barked at her. "Get on with it quick, I have lots of work to finish tonight."
Anita uttered softly, "I'm pregnant"
"We are going to have another baby."

"You are what" said Raj, now fully alert.
"We are going to have another baby." Anita repeated even more softly this time round.

"Oh well!", "I suppose that calls for a celebration, but only once you produce an heir a healthy boy." "Make sure you do it this time, I don't care how you do it, just do it."

His words were like the sharpest dagger being pierced through her heart. She could not describe how she felt. This should under normal circumstances be the happiest moments for any married couple but for her it had turned out to be the worst, quite expected actually. Why had she let herself think it could have been any better. She knew her husband inside out, his every thought, expression, action.

Anita quietly walked out of the room closing the door behind her. Her heart was filled with grief more than ever. She ran to her room and threw herself on the bed, face deep in her pillow clutching it so hard her fingers felt numb almost instantly. She cried herself to sleep that night.

Chapter 3

When she awoke the next morning, she felt unwell with puffy red eyes and an overall swollen face. She recalled her husbands words from the previous evening, going over them in her head a thousand times trying to convince herself that they had really had that unpleasant conversation.

When she reached the ground floor where her in-laws had their bedroom she could here the muffled voices of her in-laws as they were having a stifled discussion. She was now close enough though their bedroom door was closed, to be able to hear the topic of their conversation.

"I hope that unlucky daughter in law of yours gives us an heir this time at least," Sarita said angrily to her husband.

"Yes, I was hoping the same," Sanjeev replied always giving her the encouragement that she was so happy to receive from him with anything she ever said.

Anita stood still, controlling her tears this time. She had already faced a rough night with very little sleep to begin her day on this note. She knew Raj would have spilled the beans last night itself to his dearest mother after she had left his study room. Just as she walked away her mother in law opened her room door and walked out. Anita's back was towards her now as she headed towards the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. She thought it might help her to feel better.

Just as she had picked up the vessel her mother in law came and stood right in front of her with hardly a few inches gap between them.

"Would you require something," Anita politely asked her like she always did when speaking to anyone. That's something she had learnt at a very young age from her parents to always be polite and kind to everyone.

"Now am I supposed to take your permission, before I enter my own kitchen," her mother in law retorted rudely.

"Raj mentioned that you are expecting."

"Ensure it is a boy this time, this is your final chance to give us the heir we have been waiting for."

"If you fail to provide us with an heir, be prepared to pack your bags and walk out of my sons life for good."

"And yes, do not forget to take your little brats with you too."

"Everytime I see or hear them, I am reminded of how unfortunate I am to have such an unlucky daughter in law as you."

Anita was heartbroken, what a start to a new day she thought as tears welled up in her eyes though she fought to hold them back.

She consoled herself by saying she would have obviously wronged these people in some life to have to go through this now. This too shall pass she tried hard to convince herself. She did not answer her mother in law , instead walked slowly out of the kitchen back to her room. The idea of going downstairs in the first place had not been a good one after all.

Chapter 4

Anita went to her daughters room. That was the only place in this huge house where she found solace and could calm her nerves. As she stepped in, she could see both of them curled up under their covers fast asleep. They were so at peace completely oblivious of what their mother, who they so dearly loved had to go through each day. She watched their angelic faces feeling only pure love and gratitude that God sent them to her.

They were the sole reason for her to carry on with her life. Had they not been there she may have quit and ended it long back.

She quietly tiptoed out before she awoke her babies, they should be untouched by the harshness that was surrounding them. She will do everything in her power to shield them from all this negativity and unpleasantness till of course they were old enough to understand it for themselves.

Anita's day had begun on a terrible note. She didn't feel like doing anything and it was only 7 am. How her days dragged on, seeming to last forever. When someone is as unhappy as I am she thought to herself, how can one look forward to their day with joy in their heart. But I need to be strong, I need to pull through she thought as she gently put her hand on her still flat tummy where a new life lay, who was still unaware of what she was feeling at that moment.

Soon within a week or so maybe little later she would have to start to deal with the initial signs of pregnancy which she was very well aware of. Of course she knew that they could be different each time, but overall being pregnant was not new to her. This will be another thing for her to cope up with in addition to the three monster like people who were a prominent part of her miserable sad life.

Everytime she tried so hard to put things behind her and start afresh either her mother in law, father in law or Raj would say or do something to upset her bringing her back to square one only to start over yet another time.

She should now be only focusing on her lovely little girls and their new sister or brother. The thought of a sister again caused her to shudder. The fear engulfing her like the darkest of clouds. Why do I fear having a daughter again, she thought aloud. She will to me be like my other two girls, a beautiful gift from the Lord above. I will love and cherish her too the same as I do, Nisha and Anisha.

As she thought this, she again felt the fear. She had realized this many years ago that she was terrified of Raj and her mother in law. They had been successful in instilling a great amount of fear in her which was not allowing her to feel any happiness for her baby to come.

This needs to end. Its fifteen years now. I have to learn to stand up for myself. Being polite and following the teachings of my mother is one thing but tolerating insult and abuse is another. I am an individual too, I get hurt, feel deep pain, get insulted, I am human too not just them. As she thought these things over and over she still knew she would probably never have the courage to put
into action what she felt and thought.

She sadly went to get dressed, before her girls woke up and she needed to tend to their needs. She had never kept a maid for her girls. Being married into a very rich, well connected family she never needed to do any household chores, except help in the kitchen because being a typical Marwari family her mother in law was used to supervising everything very minutely especially the kitchen related activities. They had small quantities prepared of various sabjis, cooked vegetables as its called in Indian households. They were used to eating from thalis, big round metal plates used to serve food in. In their case owing to their high standard of living they ate out of thalis made of pure silver. They had an easy access to precious stones, silver and gold because of their age old flourishing business in that area. The business was inherited by Sanjeev Singhania from his father Harshvardhan Singhania who had started the business many many years ago.

Anita felt satisfied that there was some amount of domestic chores to do, keeping her mind at bay from the haunting thoughts that would have otherwise completely consumed her soul.
She had never had a pleasant conversation with her mother in law in all these years. Even when they worked in close proximity in the kitchen or kitchen garden they did so with very few words spoken, that too was not rid of taunts and sarcacism. It was a very very strained relationship indeed, but she had the comfort of knowing that she had tried her best.

She would now just focus on the new life growing inside of her and the joy she would bring to her children's lives. She loved being a mother. It brought her immense joy, peace and fulfilment and she did it happily to the best of her capabilities.

Chapter 5

Anita had quite an easy pregnancy. God had been kind to her at least for this. It would soon be time for her to deliver her baby. She was now towards the end of the third trimester. She was counting the days but unfortunately her feelings were still mixed with sorrow and joy. She hence could not let herself enjoy the arrival of her new baby.

She kept thinking about her mother in laws and Raj's words. They haunted her every day and night. With these thoughts she drifted away to sleep.

The next she knew she was in lots of pain. She had woken up to feeling the contractions. Raj had quickly driven her to the hospital which was fortunately nearby. Her in laws had given strict instructions to Raj to call them only if the baby was a boy. Anita felt relieved that in India it was considered illegal to disclose the sex of the unborn baby because of the cruel killing of girl children in large numbers. Had this law not been there she would have known the sex of her child beforehand and if it were to be a girl again her family would have forced her to abort the child.

These were the last thoughts she could recall as she fell unconscious. She could hear muffled voices around her but not quite follow what was being said.

Now again the voice was clear. One voice in particular. "It's a girl!" Anita could hear the doctor say.

The doctor gushed, placing the wailing infant on her chest.
She heaved trying to catch her breath in the aftermath of her gruelling labour. Tears of pain mingled briefly with tears of joy before dissolving into tears of sadness.
She had once again given birth to a girl! Her third daughter. What would her husband and in-laws do to her now?

She could not believe her ears. She felt immense fear, only fear, more fear. What will Raj say? was the only clear thought.

How will she take a third baby girl home?

What will her mother in law say and do to her? She will shun her from the house for sure this time round.

Her mind was so full of questions. She hadn't even seen her baby. Luckily Raj had decided on waiting outside the labour room. She glanced at the little shrivelled up tiny newborn who had been bathed and kept beside her in a crib very close to the hospital bed she lay on.

Instant love filled her. My sweet baby girl she said to herself. My little angel. Your sisters are going to be so delighted to meet you she happily thought.

She was dreading meeting Raj. Soon the doctor would tell him. It was now just a matter of minutes when she would face his rancour.

The next minute he walked in, surprisingly with a very placid look of concern on his face. One that she had only maybe seen once or twice when they had initially got married. Anita was taken aback. She did not expect this at all. She had braced herself for the worst treatment ever.

Raj slowly came near her bed and asked her how she was feeling. She replied in the affirmative and smiled a little. She was still uncomfortable though it had been a normal delivery but she needed a few stitches which had begun to hurt now. He placed his hand gently on her forehead and said, "I am sorry Anita, I am so ashamed of myself."

"If possible please forgive me."

Anita could see a tear roll down, his eyes which she never thought were capable of any emotion. She being the soft and compassionate person told him to calm down. She softly said, "Who am I to forgive you Raj, God has everything planned for each one of us, its ok."

"I am just so relieved, to hear you speak to me like this."

Anita was hesitant since she didn't want to ruin these golden moments that had come into her life for the very first time. She gathered some courage and asked, "Raj what made you change your views, all of a sudden?"

He said, "When I was waiting outside, the labour room, there was a man of around the same age as me, crying bitterly."

"Why?" I asked.

Raj softly answered, "His wife and child had both died due to severe last minute complications in the delivery"

"Hearing this made me feel so ashamed, so small that in todays modern times I had behaved in such a shameful manner. He was so sad for a genuine reason and I had allowed myself to get swayed by my mother and treated you and our children with such contempt."

"Moreover its more the man's fault, if anyone needs to be blamed for a girl child. Not the woman's fault at all."

"Here my wife is fine, baby too, I should feel only gratitude."

"Its ok, Raj. I am so happy you realized before it was really too late to change things and our children got scarred for life"

"Come darling, let's get ready to take our baby home where she belongs," said Raj.

"Her sisters will be delighted to meet her."

"What about your parents?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry, I will handle it all sweetheart."

Anita felt at peace for the first time as she held Raj's hand carrying her little one in the other as they left the hospital the following morning to start life on a new page.

Anita had never been happier. She silently thanked God repeatedly for showering his grace on her and her family.

© Maja Malhotra