

Silent Screams [Chapter 3]
Stella's parents came inside the room hearing the sound. The police was in a great commotion. The police told Stella's parents to take her home and take care of her.

After knowing Stella's all friends dead in that spot, she was broken. She couldn't even believe it. After Olivia and zen took Stella home, they asked her what really happened in that party hall. As she explained everything, Olivia was believing her girl but zen was not ready to believe that.

But, after seeing his daughter broken that her friends are dead, he pretended to be believing.

Few days passed, Stella was regaining her normal life. But she couldn't sleep alone and stay alone without anyone. So, Olivia always took care of her and didn't leave her alone.

The next day, few officers came In front of their house and told them to leave their house as they didn't pay the loan back. Zen convinced them a lot of times but they were supposed sure about sealing their house. Zen couldn't talk to them anymore and left their house.

They went to Olivia's sister Emily's house. She is single and a work woman. After they reached, Emily welcomed them happily. When she asked about the party hall incident, Olivia explained her everything.

Zen got a phone call from his son Stephen. He said, "dad! Me, Amelia and Mia will reach there soon. We got a lot of gifts for you and mom." Zen told Stephen to come directly to Emily's house.

On that day evening, Olivia was a little worried about her family situation. She asked zen, "we should look for a new house in a cheap rate. What did you decide to do for this?" Zen smiled and told, "as long as our family is together, we can face any problem together and be happy in any situation." Olivia was a little convinced. After some time, she was looking for her children from Texas. She was Waiting to see them after a long time.

(Author : lol you want to know how many members are in the family...
Olivia[mom] {Age:39}
Zen[dad] {Age:42}
Stephen{Age:19}[first child of Olivia and zen]
Stella{Age:17}[second child of Olivia and zen]
Amelia{Age:12}[third child of Olivia and zen]
Mia{Age:5}[last child of Olivia and zen]
I hope you got cleared... I have a lot of twists and turns in upcoming chapters.. read and enjoy)

As they arrived Olivia and Emily welcomed them to home happily. Stephen asked about Stella. Olivia told that she is out with her dad for some fresh air. She was very disturbed in these days. Recently she is getting back to her normal life. So be good to your sister. Stephen felt sad for his sister.

At night 7:00 p.m Stella and Zen arrived home. Stella looked very happy after a long time. As she saw her sibling, she hugged then with an excitement and became emotional that she have seen them after a long time.

Zen told Olivia, "we shall start searching a new house under our budget. I will take Steve with me to accompany and help me." Olivia have a lot of hope that they will get a new house within their budget.

At the next day morning, Zen and Stephen went to see if they could buy any house for cheap rate. Olivia was a lot worried about her family. Stella, Amelia and Mia are still asleep. It was morning 4:00 a.m. Olivia have hope that they will buy a new house in cheap rate.

Zen and Steve went to a house broker. He showed a lot of house. But nothing was under their budget. The house broker said, "there is no house under your budget in the town. But there will be some houses within your budget in the out of town. Can we see houses in out of town." Zen and Steve have no other way than seeing house in out of town. So they accepted the condition and went to see houses.

The broken took them to a hill House. There was no other houses or shops near that hill House. It was a very huge and very old house. It will be terrifying to see that house in the night time.

But the house was very cheap and very huge than they thought. Steve was happy that they will live in a very big house in future. They will seem rich if they live there. So Steve started convincing his dad to buy that house. Zen insisted in buying that house.

Steve took some photos of that house to show his mom and siblings.

They bought that house and there was extra money with them. They were happy that they got really big and rich house in a cheap rate.

(Will their happiness last long... Or will it turn to a nightmare?)

(Author's Note - I hope you liked this chapter... It took 4 days to think and write this chapter.... I have my exams soon. So maybe I will not able to post upcoming chapter for a weak.. but I will try my best to upload the next chapter soon... Take care, bye..)

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